Example sentences of "[conj] it certainly [is] " in BNC.

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1 And it , yes , it hits , and I mean that 's , that 's purely off the top of my head , that it certainly is , we have n't unlighted any detail .
2 This applies equally to carving , but that 's still not easy and it certainly is n't fast .
3 This point should not be pushed to perversity : the IMF is still clear that a US-style deficit is worse , and it certainly is not being quickly corrected .
4 In towns , however , you do get the ‘ smell of the East ’ , and it certainly is mysterious .
5 If it did n't cost quite so much to get there ( typical return fare London-Auckland is currently about £1,150 it would make good financial sense to use the excellent training facilities that exist in New Zealand to obtain a PPL , and it certainly is a wonderful place to build up low-cost hours among some of the world 's most magnificent surroundings .
6 ‘ After all , cricket is meant to be above all that — playing sport should be fun and it certainly is n't when you are confined to your hotel all the time . ’
7 It might be reasonable to expect that some deficiency in parental relationships — and hence , some in all relationships — might ensue and it certainly is apparent in some cases of sexual relationship dysfunction .
8 Er now , on another topic , I will go back to the idea of regulation later , you 'll see that life expectancy is obviously important and er when you 're looking at retirement I mean it 's always been described as the longest holiday of your life and it certainly is that , and life expectancy is rising all the time , these figures have actually been superseded .
9 That 's not my strong suit , and it certainly is n't Mrs Foster 's .
10 And it certainly is an act with teeth .
11 Now it 's not John Major and it 's not Martin Brandon Bravo and it 's not the Sheriff although we 're thinking on the right lines there , and it 's not Kenneth Clarke or Brian Clough and it certainly is n't Dennis McCarthy and it 's not D H Lawrence either .
12 Cos it certainly is n't anything obviously serious , so I think we 'll just see how things go ,
13 The number of levels is arbitrary , but it certainly is apparent that there is a very light , superficial , cliche level of communication that serves little more than to acknowledge the presence of another person .
14 But it certainly is n't an obvious single , although Radio 1 's Simon Mayo made it his ‘ Record Of The Week ’ which was a big help .
15 Gossip may not be a female prerogative , but it certainly is so in the social stereotype of women .
16 But it certainly is n't a foodstuff , as he obviously believed , ’ said the junior .
17 But it certainly is giving that that degree of balance which er which I think we need to recognize .
18 organizations of course twenty million pound turnover or twenty million pound company does n't sound very much but it certainly is in its er
19 Labour candidate Alan Milburn said : ‘ I do n't know which constituency Mr Fallon has been canvassing but it certainly is n't Darlington .
20 But it certainly is been , I 've written it on the back of the , the cheque stub when it was cashed because she , she
21 You probably think it 's going to be a bit of a skive this afternoon , but it certainly is n't .
22 We 've heard a little bit of , about the Three-Ninetieth Group and we could go on and on because it certainly is indeed er historic organization .
23 However , I ca n't help wondering how many people after seeing the engraving based on Turner 's painting by Middiman and Pye of Hardraw Force got off their wagonettes and hurried through the door of the Green Dragon Inn — only to be underwhelmed by a narrow , peaceful , tree-clad valley that leads serenely to a rocky bow with a high fall dropping from its lip to the valley floor which , impressive though it certainly is ( particularly after heavy rains ) , is nothing like the falls depicted by Turner .
24 There is no doubt that instead of treating the sea as the giver of life to mankind , as it certainly is , it has for far too long been treated as the world 's sewer .
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