Example sentences of "[conj] it [vb mod] take " in BNC.

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1 No one , of course , other than perhaps Winston Churchill and those in the very top echelons of the services , knew exactly when and where it would take place , but the tide by now had definitely and dramatically turned in favour of the Allies .
2 A teaching carrel may also be found in some well-equipped reference libraries , where it can take the form of an enclosed cubicle large enough for one person , with a door and a high window .
3 With a few possible exceptions , it is not worthwhile stocking up with other components in large numbers because it would either be too costly , or it would take years to use them all up .
4 It may take five years , he wrote , or it may take ten , or a hundred or a thousand , but sooner or later everything in the mausoleum will be affected and everything in all the other mausoleums in the city , and everything in all the other mausoleums in the country , and everything in all the other mausoleums in the world .
5 The amalgamation between two companies may take the form of merger proper ( when both companies cease to exist ) and the new company becomes the general successor in title of the two companies so merged , or it may take the form of a take-over when only the company so taken over ceases to exist .
6 The perchlorate ion can occur as isolated , undistorted ions , or as distorted but essentially unattached ions , loosely attached through one or two oxygen atoms to one or two metal ions , or it may take part in hydrogen bonding to water molecules in hydrated salts .
7 Or it may take a more structured approach drawn from cognitive therapy techniques .
8 Or it might take a weekend depending .
9 Er , to start off with they do the full spiritual exercise of Ignatius Loyal all takes thirty days in silent retreat with a with an individual er under individual guidance with a , with a , a director or it could take anything from nine months to eighteen months to do in er day da da da living in open sort of retreat .
10 Although it may take some practice to get used to the idea of changing the seemingly natural number scale , you will soon find that you automatically consider whether a transformation would aid analysis when you first look at a batch of data .
11 The activities of moth larvae feeding on the fur or feathers binding the pellets together result in their breakdown even in dry conditions , although it may take several years for pellets to completely disintegrate .
12 In this way it is possible to re-start the routine that was enjoyed previously , although it may take some days of patience to break the new habit .
13 If you want to stay with STG , I 'll be happy to arrange to have your work handled by one of the other partners although it may take him a little time to be able to handle your affairs completely on his own without asking you a lot of questions . ’
14 If a dispute arises , a court will probably not take account of the layout in construing the contract , although it may take account of headings and/or marginal notes .
15 The English host was able to cross unhindered , although it would take a long time to do so in its entirety .
16 Although it can take a panoply of four-dimensional shapes , Dr Tipler prefers it to be a single point ; in the manner of the 20th-century Catholic evolutionist and mystic , Teilhard de Chardin , he calls it the omega point .
17 The flight action is superb although it can take a long time to get to grips with all the features of the program .
18 I think it will succeed although it will take ages , for he is fearfully shy , and I am likewise affected .
19 Our evidence which shows that the first glimmerings of our new paradigm emerged around 1860 and we expect that by 2010 the shift will be virtually complete , although it will take longer for its changes to affect everyone .
20 Although it will take a while to complete a fully working graphics adventure game , the creation is very enjoyable and , who knows , you may even end up with a game that can be sold through the shareware concept .
21 Only kept repeating it was quite something , that he 'd have to think about it , that it would take time to assimilate .
22 In 1988 the Japanese giant bought CBS records for $2bn and last week it announced that it would take control of Columbia pictures .
23 It is at Labour conferences that you get the sweet nuttiness of Baby Milk Action , which proclaims , ‘ Breast Milk : a World Resource , ’ and tells you , as a fact , that it would take 114 million lactating cows to replace the milk of the women of India .
24 The director said that it would take between one and two weeks for the Soviet Union to send the forces it is currently pulling out , back into eastern Europe .
25 It was recognized by all concerned that it would take at least three and more likely five years for any of the Brabazon types to come into production , so work also proceeded on interim types that could hold the gap until the newer types were in service .
26 On 21 September Prime Minister Clement Attlee informed Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin , then in New York , that he favoured a declaration from the United Nations that it would take responsibility for the rehabilitation of the whole country .
27 Last week I mistakenly told you that it would take place today , sorry .
28 Iran has made it plain that it would take it amiss if it were left out of any post-war security arrangements for the Gulf — but even more amiss if outsiders ( read Americans ) were to stay on .
29 It was estimated that it would take them two to three weeks to get to the Falklands and therefore , theoretically , the decision could be rescinded if there were some kind of diplomatic breakthrough .
30 The bird got so attached to her that it would take food from between her lips .
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