Example sentences of "[conj] the workers had " in BNC.

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1 The capitalist system implied a monopoly of these ‘ means of production ’ in the hands of the few , so that the workers had no alternative but to work for the capitalist and on his terms in order to survive .
2 Nobody in Kufra had ever owned a factory , but many were able to imagine what it would be like to find that the workers had become partners .
3 They were willing to tie wages to output by various systems of ‘ piecework ’ , which seem to have spread during our period , and to point out that the workers had best be thankful to have work at all , since there was a large reserve army outside , waiting for their jobs .
4 How would sectarian bitterness have been eroded if the workers had been excluded from the Labour movement ?
5 On the other hand , the middle classes would have been shocked and appalled if the workers had actually asked for the sort of life they themselves took for granted , and even more if they had looked like achieving it .
6 At the same time Emily Faithfull modified the length and pay of apprenticeships , and the workers had extremely good conditions and shorter hours than elsewhere .
7 So , people tried to set up unions to improve living & working conditions , but this failed , because the workers had n't the money , knowledge or power .
8 A week later , when the workers had to vote for the new Committee , most of the women voted for Karen .
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