Example sentences of "[adv] [be] fully [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 These underlying questions can only be fully studied in a situation where the curriculum is of the type recommended by Cockcroft , and a graduated assessment scheme is in operation .
2 This can only be fully understood , however , when we as individuals make our own personal and spiritual visit to Bethlehem .
3 The movies were something very new and they soon developed a unique and distinctive position within the culture but that position can only be fully understood by reference to that context of nineteenth-century popular culture from which they emerged .
4 The reason why I run culture and ideology together to identify the institutionalization of consumerism is that consumerism in the global system can only be fully understood as a cultural-ideological practice .
5 The impact of the Thatcher years can only be fully assessed in the future .
6 Within such a context it is easier to see how a series of advances , retreats and confusing divisions can be explained as part of a general shift which is of wider significance than the accumulation of a mass of detailed incidents , each of which can only be fully explained in terms of its own unique genesis .
7 Tragedy can only be fully explained in such terms .
8 However , the success of recent policy initiatives can only be fully met if farmers find it their own interests to plant up pieces of land in such a way as to achieve both timber production and environmental improvement .
9 But the problems ‘ will only be fully resolved … by an industry-wide restructuring in which we are determined to play an active part ’ , he added .
10 The Exquisite Fairy Wrasse possesses a beauty which may only be fully appreciated in the living fish .
11 The machinery they use , their cars , their clothes , the tourists they encounter , the music they hear , all summon up the idea of a new , modern , ‘ front ’ region : one which can only be fully appreciated by actually moving and becoming part of it .
12 Accordingly , if the government varies its debt policy to increase the tax burden on future generations , this will not necessarily be fully offset by changes in bequests .
13 The degree of discrimination against disabled people working in the health and caring professions can not be fully answered by this research .
14 But women tend to work by manipulating the threads , setting up a pattern to be woven , which may not be fully revealed until much later .
15 However , its advantages will not be fully realised until the recession slows , sales pick up and unit costs fall .
16 Even so , the effects of these cuts will not be fully felt until financial year 1994/95 , and some further reduction in our book-buying and binding will still be necessary this year .
17 Undoubtedly we are living through a period of considerable political instability , in which there is a complex ‘ crisis of legitimacy ’ ( to use Habermas ' expression ) not only in the capitalist societies but also in the former communist societies of Eastern Europe , and in many countries of the Third World ; but the crisis works itself out through an international system of relationships , and such events as the overthrow of President Allende 's government in Chile , or American and Soviet military intervention in various regions of the world in the postwar period , can not be fully comprehended unless they are seen in the setting of global political conflicts .
18 What is more , at least some of the extras that typically appear at funerals may not be fully covered in the plans available .
19 But it is of concern and I do hope that in the next forthcoming er house er when the the house sits in the forthcoming rounds , that they will be mindful of the representations which have been made nationally and that the Police service and the proposals contained , particularly in the Police bill , will not be fully implemented in the way that they 're currently proposed on the white paper today .
20 For instance , Susan Trangmar 's slide installation can not be fully seen from the margins , but the act of walking to the centre of the four projector installation involves passing one of the projectors so that your shadow passes across the image .
21 Development of the avionics system for the bat-shaped B-2 bomber is at least two years behind schedule and the system may not be fully developed by the time the aircraft is to be deployed in the middle of the next decade .
22 As regards attitudes , there is the assumption that attitudinal positions , and thereby attitudinal structures , can not be fully developed , for , although they might be developed for given argumentative contexts , they must also look forward to contexts as yet unrealized .
23 The classical multifactorial model is useful for considering these observations , even though its requirements may not be fully met .
24 These studies suggest that , even when recognised risk factors exist , as for coronary heart disease , and differences in subjects ' risk factors are taken into account , the relation between socioeconomic status and health can not be fully explained .
25 However , the wide fluctuations in the performance of individual local education authorities can not be fully explained by variations in social and economic circumstances or by variations in spending on education , and show that there is plenty of scope to improve standards .
26 The criticisms of both marginality and the Turner thesis have suggested that the problems of spontaneous housing can not be fully understood without some reference to the wider society .
27 But the disorders can not be fully understood unless they are seen in the context of complex political , social and economic factors which together create a predisposition towards violent protest ’ ( para. 8.7 ) .
28 The reason for the discriminatory practices described throughout this book can not be fully understood and tackled without reference to the concept of ageism .
29 If these were things that could not be fully understood or controlled , then they were all the more menacing because they could not be avoided .
30 However , studies of children 's communicative abilities prior to the onset of spoken language have indicated that the origins of communication may be traced back to the earliest days after birth , and that full mastery of the morpho-syntactic devices for expressing complex meanings may not be fully understood until early adolescence .
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