Example sentences of "[adv] [be] acceptable to " in BNC.

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1 But remember that these stages on her journey to the position where she can love and remember her husband without pain , and without being emotionally tied to him , will only be acceptable to her when she is really ready for them .
2 Admittedly , anomie theory accentuates the constraints rather more than would perhaps be acceptable to indeterminists , but this is simply a matter of emphasis rather than qualitative difference from a ‘ realistic ’ indeterminist position .
3 However , with many LDCs suffering from external debt problems , the guarantee of a local bank might not be acceptable to the exporter 's bank .
4 The argument that cheaper labour costs force manufacture abroad should not be acceptable to us as prospective purchasers .
5 The King asked whether it would be approved , and Baldwin skilfully replied that it would not be acceptable to the country , thereby keeping any question of the Government 's own veto in the background .
6 Besides , it was argued , prosecutions against male clients would not be acceptable to the community at large .
7 It would not be acceptable to anyone for ships using United Kingdom ports to be treated differently .
8 Now cheap low sulphur coal is being imported ( after a statement by the Prime Minister that this option would not be acceptable to the people of Britain ) , gas is being burned , and only 8,000 MW is being fitted with FGD. 14 .
9 Boring , repetitive or even hazardous employment may still be acceptable to capitalist morality : the job is done not out of interest but as a way of earning money , not out of loyalty , but a fear of redundancy .
10 In 1970 Worcester decided not to continue with the CNAA application because Birmingham was reviewing its BEd and the new arrangements would probably be acceptable to the College .
11 While the DUC itself had amassed information and expertise by now to undertake this study itself , it realized that the report would have to be produced from outside the community if it was to have legitimacy or to be seen in any way as neutral : ‘ We in the Committee felt that we knew enough to write the report ourselves but we also felt that it would n't be acceptable to the County Council so we had to get somebody else to do it ’ .
12 The olive oil of the country will not however be acceptable to Parisians or to Londoners .
13 If Iraq is in the process of modernisation , then it is an alien kind of modernity that can never be acceptable to the civilised world .
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