Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] across [art] " in BNC.

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1 If you are like me , and feel hopelessly inadequate having toiled to the top of your favourite peak in what seemed to be ‘ the worst weather I 've seen for years , ’ only to come across a party equipped with jeans , trainers , and Tescos bags , then the Mourne Mountains are for you .
2 I mean , I knew from my own experience that carers were not getting the help , they were not getting the back-up , so any sort of really good telephone numbers I had laid my hands on got sort of written away in a wee book , and I was lucky enough to come across an association that actually backed up carers and actually were willing to sort of , put their life on the line and say to me , yes , you have got rights and you need support and we are here to give you that support .
3 But for Hugh , the challenge is not only to paddle across the North Channel , but also to raise money for Roddensvale Special Care School in Larne .
4 One has only to look across the Atlantic to Canada , where similar government policies shattered a once-successful Canadian pharmaceuticals industry .
5 Then , at Queenstown , South Island 's most popular tourist town , you might be lucky enough to run across a former world-class exponent of the ski-slopes , Murray ‘ Mo ’ Gardner .
6 It is also a mark of the wavering course the Tories have pursued , hopping uncertainly from blue-rinsed stage set to matey bar stool to Mr Major 's rediscovered soapbox , but seldom pausing long enough to get across the gravity of their message .
7 A fine contemporary hotel , guests at the Ritz have only to step across the main promenade to reach the soft private beach .
8 Guests have only to step across the main promenade to reach the beach .
9 With a horrible gurgle , the man toppled backwards to lay across the trunk of the car , finally slithering down it into the gutter .
10 TEENAGER Cameron Springthorpe hopes to become the youngest person ever to sail across the Atlantic single-handed .
11 The other hand was pushed lightly into his trouser pocket , the bottom of his jacket lifting slightly to lie across the edge of his sleeve with its three silver rings denoting his rank .
12 As the path flattened out to lead across the close turf to the house Leonora 's feet slowed .
13 NEC in Japan has adopted the corporate slogan ‘ C & C ’ — computers and communications — to indicate the basis on which it is setting out to compete across the world with IBM and many others .
14 There , on a promontory into the Atlantic , you can walk over the same cobblestones once walked on by Price Henry the Navigator , and see the stone compass rose set into the courtyard with which , it is thought , he taught the early Spanish adventurers how to navigate across the oceans .
15 Reminders on how to use the controls , how to seek out the opponents players and beat them up , and how to move across the terrain are all supplied .
16 I have yet to come across a police officer who is not interested in stamping out racism . ’
17 I 've yet to come across a school anywhere in the country that has n't welcomed the opportunity to play host to a pair of teachers .
18 As for the WRI files , I 've yet to come across a shareware program that has n't an ASCII file as well as a WRI file — and you do n't HAVE to print it .
19 But I had yet to come across an illustration of this process .
20 He was , he said , one of that small group of political eccentrics who browsed around the dustbins of policy hoping occasionally to come across the word ‘ science ’ :
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