Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] though [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Both maids came out , and although there were only two of them they seemed to surround and overwhelm her , not threateningly , but eagerly as though she brought gifts .
2 He took no part in the digging but squatted on the edge of the ditch , fidgeting backwards and forwards , sometimes nibbling and then starting up suddenly as though he could hear some sound in the wood .
3 In the brief pause before the auctioneer announced the next lot , Emily spotted her father near the back of the gathering , and , heads down as though they were in a cinema , she and Mungo scuttled round and crouched next to him .
4 Stair saw his brother and came forward to greet him , Havvie still at his side , his wife picking up and putting things down as though they were contaminated — she had not married Havvie in order to slum it , as she later said .
5 He awkwardly unlocked the door and carried her to the sofa , laying her down as though she weighed nothing at all .
6 He took her hand between both his own , turning it palm upwards and gazing down as though he were a fortune-teller , searching the damp pinkness of her flesh for answers to all sorts of impossible questions .
7 It was absolutely pouring down as though someone up top was emptying buckets .
8 It was all as though I had a horrible secret I had to keep . ’
9 Beth remembered it all as though it was only yesterday ; it was etched on her mind and in her heart for all time .
10 They stood in groups around the bed smiling and talking , joking gently as though their words were necessary medicine .
11 The millionaire raised a hand to his left eye and massaged the lid gently as though it were sore .
12 Gently as though he might disturb it , he pulled back .
13 Neither partner has given it a thought for years , but let some outsider come barging in as though he owned the place and it 's war .
14 When we talk about it ( now all too common in public ) , we do so as though it had set fast , even for a moment , in some way .
15 That the cripple lived near the stream there was no doubt because his crutch prints were heavily marked on the path for a hundred paces or so as though he often came there , but beyond that point there were none .
16 There ai n't so many people about , and them that are look like they 're real busy — you know , just hurrying along as though they 're in a rush to get home .
17 ‘ They 'll manage without you , ’ said Juliet , and went into the ward , striding confidently along as though she belonged there .
18 They swirled together as though they had been stirred with a spoon .
19 Some would take up for ever more space than they were entitled to — like my mother 's wedding dress , shrouded in sheet linen , suspended in time , uncrushed by the other more workaday but less significant garments that crowded together as though they were cold , waiting in a queue , inmates of a zenana to be taken up or not at the Pasha 's pleasure , promiscuously gathered , at the mercy of their owner .
20 She managed to walk with a reasonable degree of grace and dignity till she reached the back door , then scuttled inside as though her very life depended on it , taking the back stairs two at a time as she rushed to the bedroom to find a robe .
21 She sits down but does n't join in the conversations , her face is distracted and her hands move constantly as though she 's talking to herself .
22 ‘ You know well enough , James — you must have thought — once the government is resolved , and we have talked ourselves hoarse and there is no ink left in the country — then the dragoons will come in and cart the young men away as though we have done nothing .
23 He tossed the expensive silk away as though it were a rag , revealing the bold , hard contours of his chest .
24 Twenty yards away , through the storm , I glimpsed his figure , furiously lashing away as though his last fishing moment had come .
25 It 's not as though what Kenneth Clarke has done in the Health Service has actually done any good for our hospitals and medical services , and I do n't believe that he has anything to offer education either .
26 It is not as though they are paid a bonus for this production-line fishing .
27 It is not as though they were being asked to do an aerobatic display , Mildred .
28 Not as though they were real people , thinking real thoughts .
29 So it 's not as though they 're gon na get anyone to come .
30 It 's not as though we were n't making money at the time either .
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