Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] together [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In some places you can find dozens of enrolled trilobites together ; these are the remains of the animals themselves , not the moults , which presumably perished together after a fruitless attempt to protect themselves from a miniature catastrophe such as a sudden influx of sediment .
2 Six more joined it , slowly screwing out of nothing , until they suddenly stretched together into a tangled web of pulsating tendrils .
3 To those activists of the Catholic right who eventually came together in the CEDA it was an illegitimate document calling for drastic ‘ revision ’ ; more widely it helped to render the passive majority of Spanish Catholics immune from the appeal of conservative Republicanism and drive them into the CEDA 's welcoming embrace .
4 The Microprocessor Report claims Motorola Inc , which just got together with SunSoft Inc to put Solaris on the PowerPC , will likely pursue a Microsoft Corp Windows NT port to attract other customers besides those it 's already got .
5 Best of all , the warring factions of the committee somehow came together on the night .
6 Because their danger was now different the men no longer walked together in a protective knot .
7 These repetitive simultaneous pressure waves usually occurred together with the lower oesophageal sphincter component of the migrating motor complex .
8 The bursts almost always occurred together with the lower oesophageal sphincter component of phase 3 of the migrating motor complex when the resting pressure in the sphincter is high .
9 THE Celtic manager , Liam Brady , and Tom Grant , the director who leaked information about the Parkhead board requesting a meeting with Brady to discuss the team 's performances , yesterday sat together at a press conference designed , apparently , to show a united front .
10 It seemed quite natural for us to end up slumped together on the ground , leaning unsteadily against each other , watching the children play while the more resilient dancers still staggered and turned in the firelight .
11 It is a stately cliff of a semi in Holland Park now lashed together against a neighbouring stately semi because he found that this was the best way to double his garden space .
12 However , as the entire industry worked with cut and paste technology this was n't seen as any real problem , headlines , captions and other type elements only really came together on the paste-up table .
13 The work on show , produced by none recently graduated women artists , demonstrates an unmistakable commitment both to engage and challenge the painterly and formal conventions of modernism. 2 The group originally came together as a result of a set of interviews and articles coordinated by Rebecca Fortnum and Gill Houghton , published in a special issue of the Women Artists ' Slide Library Journal in 1989. 3
14 Modi was fourteen years older but so attractive and youthful that they enjoyed his company and often ate together at Rosalie 's restaurant or Les Trois Portes , another eating-place favoured by artists .
15 Rachel and Phoebe did not often invite each other to formal meals , although they often ate together with Maggie .
16 To others it seemed that there was a special spark between her and Minton , and they often danced together at parties .
17 Early in 1981 , our liaison with the French Customs was now well established and we often worked together to our mutual advantage .
18 He turned to the grooms and servants now huddled together near the kitchen door .
19 Each layer consists of carbon atoms covalently bonded together into hexagons ( see figure 3.31a ) .
20 We often lunched together after her weekly consultation .
21 Now held together with wire and support !
22 So much so that even when I had abandoned hopes of luring her into my narrow and uncomfortable bed , we frequently got together for a drink or a cheap meal .
23 They frequently flew together in the two-seater bi-plane , covering large sections of the south coast and Keitel had been able to indulge in his interest for aerial photography .
24 He and Asquith even appeared together on the same platform .
25 It was n't just the sustained rumbling growls rising to a frenzy as two dogs threatened each other then lunged together in a bitter embrace , each asserting its place in the hierarchy , the priority of its rights over the red bitch .
26 Whereby the whole church family , broke up into groups for a period of education , and then came together for a time of celebration and worship .
27 The potato starch was dyed in separate batches of red , blue and green , then mixed together in smaller quantities and sprinkled evenly over a glass plate with a tacky varnished coating .
28 The potato starch was dyed in separate batches of red , blue and green , then mixed together in smaller quantities and sprinkled evenly over a glass plate with a tacky varnished coating .
29 Just as in-service education does not work if it has not been tailored to match the stage or condition of the teacher who is to benefit from it , so the manager can not manage unless the method and style of management are acceptable and unless its purposes have been first unravelled and then knitted together after consultation between the manager and the manager 's colleagues .
30 It was easier going to the house — he and Richard 's wife Pat used to swap wartime evacuation stories with each other and then they would play verbal tennis , making conversation out of the spoken lyrics of Forties ' songs — than going to the theatre to see other actors , as they sometimes did together after the run of Public Eye .
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