Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [noun pl] before " in BNC.

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1 This immediately limited the number of towns that could be planned , for most English towns have developed from villages , and their sites had been partly built on for centuries before they developed into towns .
2 It can go on for years before families are forced to acknowledge the truth …
3 He went on , ‘ Matt lived here alone for years before I came on the scene .
4 If you want her , you can fight for her and win her fair and square , and no more sneaking in at doors before honest men are out of their beds .
5 ‘ I can see I shall have to tell you more about Brownies before you believe in what they can do and do do .
6 Some form of processing ( amplifiers ) will be used in a long-distance system to ‘ boost ’ the signal level every so often to make up for losses before it is sent on its way again .
7 Find out about computers before you buy one by reading everything up-to-date that you can get your hands on .
8 Adopt a system that alerts to you the fact that you are running out of forms before you actually do so ; put a note in the drawer ten forms from the bottom for this purpose .
9 ‘ In fact , I did n't know him at all and he 'd managed to slip in and out of affairs before I even tumbled to the fact that he was playing around .
10 Unless their captor had a secret supply of them , Peter reckoned he would be out of smokes before they moved .
11 And it was around for centuries before people managed to find a cure for it .
12 Such claims involve a large pinch of special pleading , especially by the property-casualty firms which are lobbying hard for concessions before their rules are released in June .
13 These are the human remains that appear in the picture of the priests , from bodies that had already been torn apart by dogs before they were found in the sand .
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