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1 Moreover , catching up can not explain the slowdown in US productivity which occurred outside the manufacturing sector and which can only partly be explained by the less intense expansion once the excess capacity of the early 1960s had been used up .
2 But such patterns of hoarding can not necessarily be explained simply .
3 While certainly it seems plausible to suggest that , if there are people from similar social or educational backgrounds in a number of key roles , the relationships between those people will facilitate the sharing of ideas and opinions , the processes involved can not necessarily be explained as simply as this .
4 This effect can not merely be explained by a conceivable depletion of TBP , because transcription of the classical pol III genes requires only a very low amount of TBP ( 6 ; and our own unpublished results ) , the presence of which could be verified by western-blot analysis of hTFIIIB and hTFIIIC containing fractions used for the assay ( our unpublished results ) .
5 Social psychoanalysis , by contrast , takes the view that contemporary character should not merely be explained by reference to contemporary culture and childrearing , but that in any society contemporary childrearing and culture are the consequences of historical changes and that the contemporary individual recapitulates the cultural past and therefore , by a sort of reverse neoteny , experiences in his childhood the traumas and stages of ego- and superego-development which occurred in the adult lives of his ancestors .
6 Another problem arose in 1916 , which can not easily be explained without reference to the proposed ‘ Home Rule ’ in Ireland that had developed under the government of Asquith which introduced the Home Rule Act 1914 .
7 This staggering figure could not easily be explained away .
8 Even among the industrial economies there are vast differences which can not easily be explained .
9 How such prosperity came about , however , can not easily be explained .
10 In our study bone densities were not uniformly low at all sites , and fractures can not easily be explained by the use of steroids or disease activity .
11 What has come to his rescue is an altogether subtler kind of ideas and information-limitation whose effectiveness is , if anything , enhanced by the fact that it can not easily be explained in terms of conspiracies and blunt propaganda .
12 The discrepancy with this latter study and our present results can not easily be explained .
13 The finding of enhanced fasting gastrin concentrations in H pylori positive subjects and in duodenal ulcer disease can not easily be explained .
14 However , what we surely have on the objector 's view is precisely that the smell of the candles was something that can not possibly be explained .
15 Four-coach trains regularly substituted for eight- coach , with passengers jam-packed way beyond the safety margin acceptable to a factory inspector , let alone providing a modicum of comfort , can not surely be explained away simply as lack of funding or union intransigence .
16 But Jean Marie Le Pen 's following , which at the last elections reached 27 per cent in some regions , can not simply be explained by his charisma .
17 These contradictions can not simply be explained in terms of the satisfaction assessments being incorrect ; the disjunction between the two factors-initial answers and overall feeling — is too complete .
18 At a time when the party leadership was dominated by the sectarian views of Barbe and Celor , such reticence can not simply be explained by a sense of personal solidarity on the part of Thorez , and especially Vaillant-Couturier , for Barbusse .
19 The 20 year interval between the first influx of nuclear workers in the late 1950s and the cluster of cases near Dounreay beginning in 1979 could not readily be explained since the excesses usually followed fairly quickly on other types of population mixing .
20 Kuenen ( 1 950 ) has also pointed to two features which can not readily be explained by the subsidence theory .
21 It is quite possible that the extent of unmet legal need can never be ascertained and that which can be ascertained can not adequately be explained .
22 Instead , it could more satisfactorily be explained as a continuum , with recall directly dependent on the kind of encoding that is carried out .
23 The properties of cooperativity , associativity and input-specificity can now easily be explained .
24 This is challenged by Hart who suggests that , far from simply being an example of the law enforcing a moral principle — for example the sanctity of human life — it may on the other hand ‘ perfectly well be explained as a piece of paternalism , designed to protect individuals against themselves ’ .
25 It may here also be explained that after the main source of the Fleet was diverted , the portion of it which originally formed the boundary of the site granted for the building of the College , became a stagnant Ditch , which in process of time dried up , and that , with the addition of gravel and earth , a dry path from the College to the Professor 's house was thus constructed .
26 This meant that changes in crime rates , or variations between different settings ( such as urban and rural ) , which had played an important part in theories relating social or economic conditions and change to crime , could equally well be explained by variations in crime-recording practices .
27 And the replacement of anti-Semitism by anti-Marxism as early as 1922–23 as the main ‘ hate-theme ’ of his public addresses , and the relatively low profile of anti-Semitism in his speeches during the 1930s , can again only be explained in terms of a conscious decision to limit the public expression of his own phobias and paranoia for political and diplomatic purposes , to provide a wider appeal and to avoid gratuitous alienation at home and abroad .
28 The determination by the material base having been displaced , the form of ideology ( distortion ) can no longer be explained merely by reference to contradictions in the material base although Habermas incorporates Marx 's critique of the commodity form of labour as ideology ( Habermas 1972 : 59 ) .
29 These differences can therefore only be explained by racial discrimination ’ ( p. 16 ) .
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