Example sentences of "[adv] [be] known for " in BNC.

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1 Commanding Generals rarely are known for their sense humility .
2 Collagen has long been known for its hydrating power and as a source of nutrients for the skin , but its penetration into the epidermis has always been limited by its high molecular weight .
3 It has long been known for its very good annual conferences , and for giving the Eleanor Farjeon Award .
4 Singapore has long been known for its campaigns against littering , smoking , spitting and jay-walking , but it may be the only place in the world trying to toilet train an entire nation .
5 On 2 February 1799 Parson Woodforde , by then in Norfolk , wrote in his diary : ‘ Such severe weather has not been known for the last sixty years till the present ’ .
6 In 1947 when Frank had his insight the existence of muons had already been known for ten years and the existence of muonic atoms had also been predicted .
7 This is , in effect , what had already been known for a considerable time as a ‘ cantata ’ for six voices , four viole , two violini , and string and keyboard continuo , in four strongly contrasted sections ( solo and tutti ) preceded by a sinfonia .
8 Because the polling system is new and complex , the results will not be known for several days , but most observers expect the local party 's candidates to come in far behind the Popular Front and other unofficial groups .
9 The spread is estimated to be , say , 160 basis points above the gilt but will not be known for certain until issue day .
10 In the best traditions of the state 's statistics , a truthful answer will not be known for several years ( ie , when it is of little practical use ) .
11 The precise outcome of these changes will not be known for a little while , but regrettably it will almost certainly result in a lower financial provision for IT and many other areas in the longer term , and quite probably a significant lower level of commitment to new grants in all areas in the current academic session , since the sharpest adjustment needs to be made for 1991/92 .
12 effects would not be known , would not be known for a considerable period of time .
13 THE RESULT of a post-mortem examination on a man who died after collapsing at a rave party will not be known for another 48 hours , police said yesterday .
14 Mexicans have always been known for heavy drinking because traditional forms of alcohol are cheap , peasants often making their own , and this is a classic way of forgetting the drudgery of poverty .
15 Originally bred as a draught animal , its milk has always been known for its quality ( if not quantity ) and it can fairly be called a dual-purpose breed .
16 they , they 've always been known for marvellous skin have n't they , the erm
17 I could be wrong , and if Kelly plays I sincerely hope he has a good game for if he does n't he may not recover from it , as he will always be known for ‘ screwing it when the Republic needed a win in Windsor ’ .
18 Renault cars have traditionally been known for their comfortable , well-controlled ride quality and their crisp , responsive steering .
19 It has even been known for an esteemed binder 's ticket to be transferred from a battered volume to a more handsome specimen with which he had no demonstrable connection .
20 It has even been known for a company to respond to a request for information six weeks after the initial query and then to complain that their product had been left out !
21 ‘ That depends on whether or not we get the green light for a full series , and that wo n't be known for a couple of months .
22 Mail coaches &c. unable to travel … the long continuance of so severe cold Weather having scarce been known for the last Century .
23 In what must rank as one of the most petty letters ever to emerge from the SFA , an organisation that has never been known for its broad-mindedness , the secretary demanded that the ball be returned .
24 It had never been known for them to stay less than three hours — not that Mum minded .
25 In terms of healthy eating , the staples of American diners and fast-food outlets have never been known for their goodness .
26 SCO has never been known for its realism .
27 That was an intervention from her conscience but she had never been known for obstinacy in the past , and it was puzzling to account , really , for her awkward persistence about Grace .
28 Saddam has never been known for doing something for the benefit of others .
29 Besides , Goshawk Squadron has never been known for doing things half-heartedly , has it ? ’
30 Unless Blake chooses to make the details public they will never be known for certain .
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