Example sentences of "[adv] [be] left to " in BNC.

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1 Had no such provision been made , and had it merely been left to the initiative of backbenchers to keep an eye on instruments tabled , it is highly probable that many instruments would become or remain law with never a critical eye being cast over them .
2 It could only be left to each Group Organiser to weigh up the pros and cons of the situation .
3 Less was left to the vagaries of the opera-house system , and the creators stood more chance of seeing their ideas realised faithfully .
4 On the face of it , our young lady is singularly lacking in family connections ; yet , from her appearance , she has not been left to her own devices . ’
5 But the preservation of Iona 's unique qualities has not been left to chance .
6 He is working in an expansive form : the field of panoramic realism which , since the 19th century , has largely been left to writers of commercial fiction .
7 David Eccles , the Minister of Education since 1959 , registered a growing public concern with the content of education — what was to be taught , and how , and to whom — and a spreading belief that such questions could no longer be left to the professionals .
8 The RSPCA has always been in favour of whips being carried for the reasons outlined by Luhnenschloss , but its assistant chief veterinary officer , Alastair Mews , said : ‘ Future decisions can no longer be left to tradition , habit , or hearsay but must be based on good science .
9 For example , it suggests that Quadrant 1 might best be left to the ‘ scientists ’ , with ‘ cultivate ’ instead of ‘ manage ’ being the modus operandi ( Breton and Gold , 1987 ) .
10 Community care proposals were perceived by many NHS staff as essentially to do with social care , something which could best be left to the local authorities .
11 But the last ground , the ‘ need ’ for new licence premises , is questioned and the Government seeks views as to whether the question of ‘ need ’ should best be left to market forces .
12 He meant , of course , that anything beautiful , anything worthwhile , should not just be left to experts — we should all be in there enjoying it , taking part in it .
13 But it must n't just be left to the activists to recruit .
14 Being able to land safely in fields should be one of the ultimate aims in glider pilot training and it should not be left to the pilot to decide for himself when he is competent to fly across country .
15 ‘ This is a subject on which judges need , and should have , expert assistance from a clinical psychologist and not be left to flounder through what may be an ill-informed and perfunctory form of inquisition before the child gives evidence . ’
16 Ian Kennedy , Reader in Law at King 's College , London , who gave the 1980 Reith lecture on medical ethics , felt that firmer legal guidelines were required to ensure that handicapped babies were not left to die , and that the decision could not be left to parents and doctors .
17 Indeed it does , and it seems the job can not be left to the mere television reviewer either , for criticism soon leaked from the cultural pages to the overtly political ones , even reaching as far as the editorial sections of some newspapers .
18 This task is , in my view , something for all of us , and can not be left to doctors or parents to determine , unless we decide formally to authorize them to do so by law .
19 The opportunities for the education of the student during her ward allocation must not be left to chance .
20 … selection should not be left to individual librarians to be based on ‘ the mood of the speaker ’ , and this is not happening in authorities that are recognising the need for properly thought-out selection policies based on the political policies of the local authority , together with an analysis of the local community , in the context of wider statutory provision across the authority .
21 Moreover , the Commission considered that the social benefits that would accrue from economic developments arising from the internal market could not be left to chance .
22 Lott quotes Grady : ‘ An awareness of the different social and economic conditions for women and men can not be left to sociologists if psychology is to maintain its integrity as a science ’ ( 1985 : 160 ) .
23 This should not be left to women communicators alone ; our male counterparts also have an important part to play .
24 The survey also revealed that people do not trust the advertising industry to regulate itself : 56% think it should not be left to its own devices and 66% believe that the Government should monitor advertising .
25 It was envisaged as covering a special situation which should not be left to the more general third party provisions in Articles 34–38 .
26 ESA director general Reimar Luest retorted that US government space spending per person remained more than 10 times the level in Europe , and that space could not be left to private sector R&D : industry talks in terms of 6 or 7 years , whereas in space the returns may take 30 years .
27 Raising the level of skills amongst British workers is so crucial , not only to any immediate programme of moving back to full employment , but also to maintaining and improving Britain 's long-term performance , that the question of training can not be left to the free play of market forces .
28 This is something that can not be left to the dub because we will see the wind from the propellers buffeting the actors .
29 He urged the court to accept the argument of the commission that the assessment of the need for and proportionality of specific legislation can not be left to the national courts .
30 This step should not be left to the patient 's family , who will probably not know of the facility and may be inhibited by questions of expense .
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