Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] i believe " in BNC.

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1 This does n't mean that I have slopped believing , but only that I believe in my own way .
2 Perhaps if I believe in it , the magic will make me strong .
3 He lived in and I believe he made that one , yeah .
4 ‘ Now we have the chance to play together and I believe this will be a wonderful occasion . ’
5 And therefore it is only because I believe this particular phrase is quite literally to do with the very crux , the very cross , of our Christian understanding that I bring it before the general assembly .
6 I do so because I believe she has been made a scapegoat for what happened .
7 But I do n't believe that is so because I believe education is not held in as high respect as it was in the past .
8 " Especially as I believe ladies are not normally permitted to observe the rites . "
9 The ITC made the determination and it would be inappropriate for me to comment upon the matter , especially as I believe that it is now sub judice , because the company has applied for judicial review .
10 It is just that I believe they are probably more rare than is claimed .
11 Should you try this version and register you will receive regular updates anyway so I believe it is worth a look .
12 Not that I believe the people raised this statue to me ,
13 Not that I believe in this God of yours , you understand . "
14 Ltd. v. B.O.A.C. [ 1955 ] A.C. 169 , 191 , Lord Reid stated that if the arguments are fairly evenly balanced ( not that I believe they are in this case ) , that interpretation should be chosen which involves the least alteration of the existing law .
15 So I 'm not a for a moment suggesting that some rules and regulations are n't needed and I think that er the trouble is that every rule and regulation that is passed in this house , there 's always an excuse for it and there 's usually a very good reason for it , but that is the problem that the government faces and it 's quite fairly er a problem the treasury face when they introduce these statutory instruments because er no one can disagree that fraud must be stamped out , all I 'm actually saying is that unfortunately upstairs we have a deregulation bill going ahead at all pace with hundreds of clauses and hundreds of new rules to try and red hundreds of new clauses to reduce the number of rules and here we are downstairs on the floor we have passing for very good reason perhaps , more rules and regulations and there are four more tonight and I believe that every government department Madam deputy speaker , has a minister specially appointed to keep an eye on deregulation and I just wondered although er my honourable friend on the front bench mentioned that er the even the D T I minister responsible for deregulation has looked at these , I wonder if there is a minister in the treasury , they 've actually put a minister in the treasury responsible for deregulation or is the ministry actually above deregulation because I think that er I got the impression that the that every ministry would have a deregulation minister and I think it would be rather useful to know who the deregulation minister is in the treasury .
16 The other districts have had plenty of opportunity to say so but they have not and I believe that can be taken that they are not favourably disposed to a new settlement within their district , regardless of whether they 're in favour of the principle of it .
17 With England staring at their greatest humiliation for nearly 50 years , he sent on a defender and explained : ‘ He 's not had the best of times lately but I believe this is the time to support certain people .
18 I eat only fish at the Mermaid these days — not because I believe in dieting , but because I once suffered an awful chips surfeit that put me off them for life .
19 I ask this not because I believe that he does n't care passionately about Mahler 's music — you only have to hear the vocal exhortations with which he galvanises the Boston players at the most intense moments in the score to realise this .
20 That I lameduck people only because it flatters me , not because I believe they need my sympathy .
21 It 's not because I believe therefore , it 's going to happen .
22 He said : ‘ When I went into the Leeds dressing room to say kick-off had been delayed , the reaction of their management and players was not as I believe it should be .
23 Just as I believe that the taking stock initiative improves the quality of government at national level so I believe that moving to single-tier all-purpose authorities will improve it at local level .
24 and in rugby so much can happen so quickly that I believe we have earned that 50–50 chance . ’
25 They did so impeccably and I believe their judgement was a judgement reached in accordance with the rules laid down by Parliament ’ Transport Secretary Malcolm Rifkind on the handling of the port sale to Teesside Holdings .
26 M M My Lords , i it is important that whatever is taught to a child between the ages of five and eleven that the child is able to benefit from it educationally if the child is , is overloaded as it were by being presented erm a curriculum that they simply can not manage , then that 's going to create confusion , but it 's also important to say that one of the erm er objectives of this whole exercise is to underpin all education , both morally and spiritually and I believe we 're doing a great deal to get that right .
27 I did deal with that matter er originally and I believe that the the state , the er answer to the question was available precisely at three thirty today .
28 ‘ But mainly because I believe this present Northern Ireland team is capable of hitting the glory trail again . ’
29 I have tried to do that year in , year out because I believe that in environmental terms — if in no others — keeping people , their sheep and their cattle in the hillsides is essential if the hillsides are to be kept as they should be .
30 I should like to reiterate those comments to you now as I believe they remain relevant : 1 ) Control the duration of play by an ice hockey-type clock to prevent time-wasting. 2 ) Players to have their names on the back of their shirts .
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