Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] go [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd much rather go home , please . ’
2 Miss Honey said to the class , ‘ I think you 'd all better go out to the playground and amuse yourselves until the next lesson . ’
3 " You 'd better not go over with that on you , " he said , looking at her middle .
4 ‘ All right , Pip , but if she is n't happy to see you , better not go again . ’
5 Perhaps I had better not go on in this way or things will get too mushy and pastoral after all .
6 And just in case I may say things I 'll be sorry for , I 'd better not go on , except for one last word .
7 Right so I just stopped at the paracetamol , and I says , Och , I 'd better not go back up .
8 Well perhaps we better not go down cos we shall have
9 One can only just go on hoping and praying that it is the best and not the worst that has happened .
10 The other essential is to land well clear of any obstructions , because a wing can so easily go down and cause a bad swing as you slow down after landing .
11 ‘ I 've tried everything , so why go on trying to understand their hostile behaviour ?
12 Well , I 'd rather just go round there for an hour and sit there .
13 But she was bluffing as she added , ‘ I 'd rather just go home . ’
14 A Rumbelows spokesman said the £10,000 jackpot would not necessarily go straight into the champion 's bank balance .
15 Weighing on a weekly basis reduces the likelihood that people will weigh themselves obsessionally every day and reassures the women with bulimia that weight does not necessarily go up when they eat three meals a day .
16 You know that I do not necessarily go along with your concept of visual character in the way that you use it , but would the visual character be altered in a way that would cause a coincidence of greenbelt function were that important hedge not in existence on the north side of D thirty nine ?
17 But the appetite for rough justice which the gun-toting sheriff satisfied does not easily go away .
18 If , on the other hand , I want to count how many working-class students there are in the college , I can not just go ahead and do it .
19 If you can not just go along and say no we 're not borrowing and live within your budget as you are saying .
20 This was in itself , however , of little significance in an atmosphere impregnated with tension , and anxiety that the western offensive could not conceivably go as smoothly as the Polish and Scandinavian campaigns .
21 We ca n't not ever go down to the beach again , or to the spinney . "
22 Of course , things did not always go so smoothly .
23 Stan does not always go down well with the establishment .
24 Others have been suggested : to prevent the conduct of government business being unduly hampered and delayed by ‘ excessive ’ litigation ; to reduce the risk that civil servants will behave in over-cautious and unhelpful ways in dealing with citizens for fear of being sued if things go wrong ; to ration scarce judicial resources ; to ensure that the argument on the merits is presented in the best possible way , by a person with a real interest in presenting it ( but quality of presentation and personal interest do not always go together ) ; to ensure that people do not meddle paternalistically in the affairs of others ( query : can representative applicants be accused of this ? ) ; to ensure that the applicant has a personal interest not just an ideological concern in the outcome ( but , query , may not a genuine concern for the interests of others be neither purely personal nor purely ideological ? ) .
25 The two do not always go together and experts who combine the two are in short supply .
26 It can not possibly go ahead without the various kinds of international aid coming in " .
27 His encounters are essentially private in most cases , for polluters do not often go over his head to his superiors , either to negotiate or to complain .
28 ‘ We have seen people go into the forest from the Ridgery but they do not often go alone like you .
29 Identify UP projects that will end as of 1993–94 and any planned projects which may not now go ahead .
30 The Muirend Triangle thanks mainly to the work done by Mr. Ferguson and his committee will not now go ahead .
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