Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] asked for " in BNC.

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1 So I put it to him , ‘ Being famous does n't necessarily endow a guitarist with insight into the design and workings of the guitar , so why are artists so often asked for their input and reviewers almost never , when our job is to understand , examine and pass judgement on guitars on a daily basis ? ’
2 I once specially asked for him to be there and then demanded to know at the rehearsal who was this man sitting with the flutes .
3 Work references from a licensed dealer are of dubious value , and rarely even asked for .
4 Ken erm y you 've asked some questions , I 've actually seen the I M R O letter and can I say that there are two questions in the I M R O letter to Mr Maxwell and Bishopsgate , which quite categorically asked for accounts and also details of the ownership structure coming out of Liechtenstein .
5 I then subsequently asked for an iris to be put into the Dalek so that we could do a close up of the eye irising in and out to get the effect of its eye focussing on you .
6 It firstly boldly asked for a seat at the top table at the European Community : a suggestion rudely rebuffed .
7 And I never really asked for her .
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