Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [adj] reason " in BNC.

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1 In some cases , autonomous groups certainly did achieve higher levels of shop-floor control , but were not widely popular with management , presumably for that reason .
2 The fact is that for most children maths has been taught badly or rather they have learnt it badly for one reason or another , so there is a need for , for an improvement or a change , so the idea that if children can understand something this will help them to remember it or to make it more real to them , this does seem to be a shift over the last generation .
3 So much for one reason why William Charles had had the wherewithal to prosper so quickly in his new surroundings ; but there was another , just as vital to his continuing success — he had made a prudent marriage .
4 I prefer to use the voice to stun , not only for that reason , but also because it is almost always immediately available .
5 It would , furthermore , be difficult to justify the scale of directors ' remuneration if the recipients did not possess comparatively scarce abilities , and it would , if only for that reason , be surprising if directors were themselves to deny the possession of special skills .
6 Even if only for that reason , to regard it as simply an expression of industrial grievances is ludicrously inadequate .
7 Extensive grassland based systems are especially sparing of energy use ( 14 ) and could well assume an increasing importance not only for this reason but also because the rate of expansion of production has now declined to around 2% per annum in lowland agriculture and may not increase ( 15 ) .
8 If only for this reason , it was inevitable , as the nineteenth century wore on , that the sense of purpose once associated with German Hellenism must be lost .
9 The so-called Helsinki warning , also dismissed as unreliable ( and apparently for better reason ) , had at least saved the lives of those who would otherwise have occupied the vacant seats on Flight 103 .
10 It burnt the whole factory down for some reason
11 During training — or later , if I wanted to knock her weight down for any reason — she 'd have one day-old chick a day .
12 It is perhaps for that reason that the pensions industry had been able to get away with such arrangements for so long .
13 Given the great variation that exists in wealth , social organisation and culture in Latin America , it is not easy to find a simple , but also heuristic schema for class analysis , and perhaps for that reason the exercise has not been attempted very often .
14 It is a typical British beef type and perhaps for that reason its numbers at home are now dangerously low : fewer than 450 breeding cows were registered in 1987 when it was for the first time classified as a rare breed , though in the nineteenth century it had been the mainstay of the Scottish beef industry .
15 The Second Quartet , composed in 1951 , is a far more concise work in a much freer tonal idiom , mostly avoiding the elaborate texture which marks the earlier quartet : perhaps for that reason I find it the more memorable of the two .
16 The planned towns are the easiest kind of urban landscape to understand , and perhaps for that reason the least interesting to the curious traveller — however attractive they may be to look at .
17 Her husband had found this fishy , and perhaps for that reason it filled her with intense curiosity .
18 ‘ Our opinions were , I think , maintained on both sides without full conviction ; Monboddo declared boldly for the savage , and I perhaps for that reason sided with the Citizen . ’
19 The letters pronounced separately , D.I.Y. , do not produce a particularly pleasing sound and perhaps for that reason this pronunciation is not popular among the general public , so in the spoken language DIY Shop usually remains the rather cumbersome Do It Yourself Shop .
20 It seems more likely that the Khmers Rouges decided not to disrupt the election , perhaps for good reason .
21 Perhaps for this reason , traditional fishermen generally try to release alive any captured dolphins , but if they are inside the net when it is closed , they may become entangled or trapped and drown .
22 Perhaps for this reason Britain experienced little in the way of a fascist movement in the 1920s ; only a few small and insignificant fascist groups , hostile to the Bolsheviks or the Jews , emerged at that time .
23 Perhaps for this reason Judaism and Islam , particularly when they refer to the creative power of the god whom they follow , suggest that their deity is in fact the only god who exists and not simply the only god who is to be worshipped :
24 Perhaps for this reason above any other , aromatherapy has sometimes been dismissed out of hand by a few dyed-in-the-wool traditionalists because they believe a certain amount of discomfort must be felt if it 's to do us any good !
25 Perhaps for this reason the topmost stone supposedly retains its own curious powers : it is said that when a cock crows nearby , it turns three times .
26 Perhaps for this reason the law in several areas of censorship has for many years remained quietly in the background , yet with an extensive array of legislation to be respected and always at its disposal .
27 Perhaps for this reason , the Italian stock exchange regulator concluded in 1990 that the impending first rotation of auditors of Italian listed companies would be unhelpful .
28 Perhaps for this reason , Haig now extended the front of Second Army northward to include the crucial Menin Road area , thus giving Plumer the principal target : the Gheluvelt plateau due east of Ypres .
29 Perhaps for this reason , it rarely commits itself entirely to a humanist framework .
30 Perhaps for this reason , BT is playing down the entertainment side , instead stressing other applications such as video databases for such sectors as estate agents .
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