Example sentences of "[pron] allow them [verb] " in BNC.

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1 They become involved in schemes which allow them to use up their energy .
2 He argued that social , political and bureaucratic elites have their own sources of political power which allow them to act relatively autonomously or independently of the requirements of capital .
3 While the Baby Bells try to sell corporate customers advanced services using their own networks , AT&T offers the same lot of customers PABXs which allow them to do exactly the same things .
4 The LRC trains ( LRC stands for light , rapid and comfortable ) have tilting bodies , which allow them to take bends faster , just like Britain 's ill-fated advanced passenger trains .
5 As well as gills , Bichirs have paired air bladders , which allow them to breathe air from the surface of the water .
6 However , building societies have taken advantage of the new regulations which allow them to raise 40% of funds on the wholesale markets , and are intent on maintaining their market share by encroaching on areas of lending business which traditionally belonged to banks .
7 As we understand it , the Chancellor does not tax spirits more heavily because of their intrinsic properties nor because of the categories of persons who consume spirits , but because he considers that spirits face market circumstances which allow them to bear heavier taxes .
8 They follow different designs from our own , all of which allow them to tune in to water-borne sounds .
9 Managers can not motivate ; they have to operate procedures which allow them to identify , support and reinforce individual perception and this is best done through appraisal linked to professional and personal development .
10 The generators will face heavy fines if they breach the terms of the licences , which allow them to produce a maximum of nearly 800,000 tons of oxides and nitrogen and 1.9 million tons of sulphur dioxide in the next year .
11 This hypothesis predicts that children will perform worse on tasks which require them to make use of information about temporal order than on tasks which allow them to make use of information about causal direction .
12 It may seem obvious to you that coffee cups belong in the top cupboard , but if people get into the habit of leaving them in the sink and you allow them to do that ( even when it irritates you ) it will be difficult to get them to change .
13 Well yesterday we actually went to a school and you show them how to use with a condom demonstrator and allow them to touch the condoms , and in youth clubs you allow them to do practically anything with them , as long as they 're returned , they can blow them up , or they can
14 They 're too embarrassed to actually part with them and so you have this very difficult decision as to whether to insist that you have their laundry or whether you allow them to go on doing that , causing them to live in a smelly environment .
15 You can not choose those thoughts which enter your mind spontaneously but you can choose whether or not you allow them to remain .
16 When you can not alter or control difficult circumstances , you can control how much you allow them to affect you .
17 You can grow plants with u/g filters , if you allow them to root well before turning the filter on , and then use a low turnover rate .
18 They wo n't be dug up if you allow them to become established before you add the fish and scatter the gravel around them with pebbles or small stones .
19 The point is adequately made if we restrict gene values to single figures , that is if we allow them to range from -9 to +9 .
20 Doctors do not kill handicapped babies ; they allow them to die , implying that they would naturally die if left alone .
21 the French out yeah , yeah , yes they allow it , well they allow them to use it do n't they , I suppose , now that 's very dangerous mate
22 They allow them to live in the communikty and report to police daily or weekly
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