Example sentences of "[pron] suggestion that the " in BNC.

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1 The previous inspector had always accepted my suggestion that the loan interest relief for tax purposes was a pro-rata fraction of the total gross interest paid , determined by the loan relief limit .
2 He was in agreement with my suggestion that the property be sold and before he returned to college in the autumn of 1976 , he took my advice and placed house and lands in the hands of an estate agent .
3 Stuart I do n't think Gillian took too kindly to my suggestion that the three of us go on holiday together .
4 That elusive and incomplete report tantalizes in its suggestion that the conflict between two sets of ideas and institutions of government had crystallized , had produced a confrontation of philosophies symbolized with quite adequate drama in the request that the state should compensate the tribe for its fallen conscripts .
5 McCann 's speech , with its suggestion that the police lines ought to be charged , while refusing to actually call for such action , seems to have typified the confused militancy of the radicals , who were suddenly precipitated into a conflict for which they were quite unprepared .
6 The Saturday Review congratulated Hall for adopting its suggestion that the War Department should be moved .
7 The main point of disagreement with the ASB , however , was with its suggestion that the OFR should be voluntary and its assumption that companies would follow by example .
8 But a new element in Montaigne 's essay was its suggestion that the earthly paradise might be a still existing real place .
9 The origin legend of the Merovingians as recorded by Fredegar is important not only for its suggestion that the family claimed to be descended from a supernatural ancestor , but also for the implications it has for the rise of the dynasty .
10 It was probably at his suggestion that the Wordsworths walked one evening to Holford , a small village three miles west from Stowey on the road to Putsham and Kilve .
11 The hypnotist 's instruction to keep looking at the drawing pin conflicts with his suggestion that the eyes are growing tired and will soon be closing of themselves .
12 This discovery is further evidence in favour of Charles Darwin 's ideas about sexual selection — his suggestion that the competition for mates amongst like-sexed members of a species is a driving force in evolution .
13 Goldman 's prime input was his suggestion that the film should end with the first part of the book , before Papillon arrives in Venezuela and settles down .
14 His suggestion that the council feared a usurpation displays the hindsight to be expected from someone writing after June 1483 , when Gloucester had indeed used the protectorship as a stepping-stone to the throne .
15 But his suggestion that the ‘ brushes ’ of electrical machines should be made of carbon , rather than the wire or gauze originally used , proved outstandingly successful .
16 It was at his suggestion that the name taekwondo be used , because it bore a close similarity to the old name of tae-kyon .
17 The delegates representing the civic committees indicated that they had no wish to see a split in their ranks , and unanimously endorsed Walesa as Solidarity leader , but rejected his suggestion that the civic committees be opened to other political parties — a manoeuvre interpreted as an attempt by Walesa to broaden his base of support .
18 On Sept. 17 , Panic faced renewed criticism from Serbian and some Montenegrin deputies over his suggestion that the FRY make a new application for UN membership .
19 His suggestion that the council feared a usurpation displays the hindsight to be expected from someone writing after June 1483 , when Gloucester had indeed used the protectorship as a stepping-stone to the throne .
20 Strathclyde 's finance committee supported his suggestion that the Scottish Office should be asked to change the law so that sex discrimination be outlawed .
21 I have noted your suggestion that the countryside which surrounds Queensferry should be given Green Belt status .
22 In your editorial about the future of Scottish tourism ( ‘ All-inclusive package , ’ 9 February ) your suggestion that the Scottish Office 's review has been ‘ an oddly furtive affair ’ is somewhat ungenerous .
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