Example sentences of "[pron] realised [that] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Both of them realised that he had abandoned all pretence that Sally-Anne was an ordinary young woman come to work in Vetch Street , but neither of them pursued the matter , Dr Neil from delicacy , and Sally-Anne because she could not tell him the real truth about herself — he would undoubtedly immediately send her back to the embassy , and she did not want that at all — it would be failure .
2 Then everyone realised that he really needed to go and sort himself out .
3 But once I 'd had a chance to calm down a little I realised that what I wanted was you .
4 Later I realised that what made me uncomfortable was not that they looked like the inmates of those cattle trucks .
5 Just as I realised that we would have to abort our manoeuvre in view of the ship 's overhanging davits there was a loud exclamation from the man on deck , " I say , Cynthia , the captain 's got a blasted parrot on his shoulder . "
6 However , as soon as I got here I realised that we were on a treadmill of legislation .
7 The instant I realised that we had a picture I made a steep turn to starboard and a downward movement , simultaneously I was aware of a slight tremor in the aircraft in the region of the bomb bay .
8 I began to think that I was in an isolation hospital , until I realised that nothing at all happens after six o ‘ clock until breakfast next morning — not even a hot drink except in emergencies .
9 I realised that they were all as shit-scared as I was and were content to stay where they were .
10 I viewed A&R men the same way and when I met them I realised that they knew even less than I thought they knew .
11 We all worked and lived at the same place and it seemed pretty cool to me at the time , but it started to become more and more negative until it got to the point where I wanted to leave … and I realised that they would n't let me !
12 At first the thought of going back to work made me shudder because I could n't stand the thought of leaving Danielle for an hour let alone a whole day , but once my husband Dave and I had left Danielle with a babysitter a couple of times , I realised that she would still be there when I came back and that she would be fine .
13 My heart ached for her as I realised that she had joined the ranks of so many others I had known , who had watched their men fly off into the dusk , never to be heard of again .
14 I went out and bought a remedy , thinking it was an infection , but when I got home I realised that she actually had a piece of red coloured gravel stuck inside her mouth , so that she could n't close it properly .
15 After a few seconds ' thought I realised that she meant their President , that is the former General who was dictator with the continuing consent of their other commanders .
16 I made it clear that I wanted our discussion that morning to focus on business matters , but I realised that she had a need to talk to someone , preferably someone discreet .
17 As his commentary stopped I realised that she must have completed her purchases and was very likely surveying the room for somewhere to sit .
18 At that moment of jubilation I realised that my own philosophy on life and that of football management go hand in foot .
19 When these arrived I realised that my dream of Halton was not to be .
20 In a flash I realised that my propeller was tearing great chunks out of his cockpit and he was quite literally trapped .
21 And suddenly I realised that there was a whole lot more going on than I 'd even thought of .
22 Suddenly I realised that there were all sorts of things that I wanted to do that I had n't done .
23 I realised that our existence is nothing but a succession of moments perceived through the senses .
24 I realised that our visit was a big event when staff started pouring into the entrance foyer , all intent on making Zephyr 's acquaintance .
25 Then I realised that whoever had done it could be hiding somewhere near , waiting to attack again .
26 However , I realised that his chances of racing that year were only 50–50 and I told the owners this .
27 And the more I thought , the more I realised that his bonhomie had been superficial .
28 But it put too much pressure on the relationship , and when it finished I realised that he 'd resented what I had done .
29 From this last question I realised that he thought Leslie had been a member of the Special Operations Executive ( S.O.E. ) , whose agents , trained in Britain and flown or dropped into France , worked in association with local groups , and sent back information to London .
30 Very soon I realised that he was not in tune with the rest of the Group .
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