Example sentences of "[pron] thoughts on [art] " in BNC.

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1 If you could see your way to writing the first chapters of an autobiography I would be honoured to read it and give you my thoughts on the subject .
2 To have continued pronouncing aloud my thoughts on the future of Darlington Hall would have been , to say the very least , presumptuous .
3 I would like to expand on the same topic by expressing my thoughts on the structures that exist , or fail to exist , in this country to help promising junior players become accomplished professionals .
4 My thoughts on the subject became a long-term research project .
5 For your information , however , my thoughts on the effects of the system on the Library 's operations are as follows :
6 The Federation claims the meeting will give the banks and small businesses the opportunity to air their thoughts on a range of important issues .
7 At the flat there were drinks parties and little dinners every week , which irritated me , as I had to wait for everyone to finish filling the air with their thoughts on the latest novel before I could go to bed on the sofa .
8 Why were the majority of clubs not asked for their thoughts on the changes ?
9 On one occasion the group were being asked about their thoughts on the question of how pupils who disrupt lessons by walking out should be disciplined .
10 Her thoughts on the champagne kid were recorded for posterity in The Book of Football Quotations .
11 She may even do this by denying the bad experiences in her marriage to herself and to others , remembering only the good times , however few they were , and concentrating her thoughts on the positive aspects of her husband 's personality .
12 The evangelical Hannah More , in her Thoughts on the Importance Or the Manners of the Great to General Society in 1788 , noted that : ‘ Reformation must begin with the GREAT or it will never be effectual .
13 Our conversation moved cautiously round the subject of corruption in public life , and I quoted Burke , whose Thoughts on the Present Discontents I had been studying , to the effect that wisdom consisted in part in deciding how much evil to tolerate .
14 Again , on the flight home from Melbourne at the end of their Australian tour in 1985 , Charles hand-wrote a long and frank letter about his thoughts on a wide range of issues , including the Greater London Council — a politically explosive subject — — and had entrusted it to the common mail , without apparently thinking it unwise .
15 Tony gave me his thoughts on the situation — about how pleased he was to be wandering around at four in the morning , in the pitch black , in deep snow , in the cold , in the wind .
16 Worse , his thoughts on the matter hint at a general approach that sounds not much different from government attitudes in the bad old past .
17 We contacted renowned Höfner user and one of the fathers of popular British guitar , Bert Weedon , to give us his thoughts on the instrument .
18 It had been about Hegel , the German idealist dead within recent memory , and Paul tried to assemble his thoughts on the matter as he again walked up Bath Street Lane .
19 Neil Jordan focuses his thoughts on The Crying Game
20 Hesh Wiener here delivers his thoughts on the new alliance .
21 That was a novel , a novel in which Dostoievsky 's sole aim was to put before his readers his thoughts on the theme .
22 It would be far more sensible to concentrate his thoughts on the lovely girl at his side .
23 To fight off a deep depression , he concentrated his thoughts on the larger picture , telling his wife at the end of September that " the " " Battle of Britain " " is now won …
24 Yet would he use a PC or a Notebook computer for such a document , and if so would he edit it as he re-read the text and his thoughts on the subject became more succinct ?
25 Thanks also for your thoughts on the release of new material to customers .
26 Focus your thoughts on the other person 's feelings — for example , does she look happy , tired or worried ?
27 But I think if you put your thoughts on the table at least you all know where you 're starting from
28 What are your thoughts on the subject ? ’
29 I , I completely disagree with your thoughts on the fact that there wo n't be a smell , so much so that the slightest smell if the , if the er proposal gets the go ahead and I shall be on to your office and asking to speak to you personally , to come and smell this erm
30 This Lenten time we focus our thoughts on the people of Africa and especially on the women and children of that Continent .
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