Example sentences of "[pron] belief that [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Having looked at both Alice In Wonderland and Alice Through The Looking Glass , I have confirmed my belief that Lewis Carroll had a very vivid imagination and this makes his work fascinating to children and adults alike .
2 As with video cabinets , it 's my belief that Williams are the technical masters of the steel ball .
3 Fraser McLuskey kindly confirmed my belief that Leslie had indeed been in ‘ A ’ Squadron — it was with them that the Padre had dropped into France , and with them that he had carried out his ministry deep behind enemy lines .
4 It is my belief that Diana approached matrimony with a more open mind than her husband .
5 She studied me suspiciously and this strengthened my belief that Ralemberg had his own secrets .
6 If they do have a distinctive perspective it comes from their belief that Rome and terrorism are further linked in a more roundabout fashion through the ecumenical movement and the World Council of Churches .
7 Neither outcome being desirable , they communicated to the Chief Whip , Tim Renton , their belief that Mrs Thatcher should be dissuaded from standing in the second ballot .
8 Both were vocal in their belief that Hungary must pull itself up by its own bootstraps .
9 It seems to me that for those , like myself , who want to include divine revelation with science in their total picture about the origin of life , the thought that it could have originated in one that supports their belief that God had a hand in these matters .
10 But she stressed her belief that Britain is winning allies for opposing what was only ‘ a blueprint ’ .
11 ‘ What I do n't see , ’ Pat says , interposing kindly from her belief that Kate is incapable of replying , ‘ is why you have to go so far .
12 He made no secret of his belief that Britain would NEVER go back into the Exchange Rate Mechanism .
13 Not even American hostility to the British Empire as then constituted — and so resolutely defended by him — seriously disturbed his belief that Britain would find her main security in a transatlantic relationship .
14 Notwithstanding his own desire to deflate or remove Nasser , and his belief that Britain and France might with reason fear Nasser as a major long-term threat , this did not justify precipitate and premature action .
15 Rosencrantz and Guildenstern may also appear somewhat irrelevant characters ; but to Hamlet they are representatives of Claudius ' manipulative spy network ; heightening his belief that Claudius is so powerful he is impossible to beat .
16 Despite the fact that his previous attempts to draw the western democracies away from the Soviet Union had borne no fruit , Franco wrote to Churchill on 18 October 1944 to propose an anti-Bolshevik alliance and to state his belief that Spain should take part in any post-war peace conference .
17 In November 1691 , for example , Clemens Storey , a London woollendraper , expressed his belief that King James was " the right and lawfull King " , whilst in September 1695 George Dent , a Southwark glover , allegedly said that " King James hath more right to the Crowne than King William and that King William is not Lawfull King , and that he is a Nasty Little Fellow " .
18 The French stance emerged after the EC 's chief trade negotiator affirmed his belief that Europe and the US could work out the dispute over farm subsidies and avert full-scale trade war .
19 This is because the connection between a person 's everyday experience and his conceptual background is usually a good deal more tenuous than that between , say , his everyday experience of the weather and his belief that August is a wetter month than July .
20 Matallana , who emphasized that he was not a communist and had no regrets for his past anti-guerrilla role , stated that the M-19 had proved itself to be politically honest and now shared his belief that Colombia could only achieve change via the polls .
21 The idea that Stamford was the centre of Mercian government was invented by William Stukeley in the 1730s from his belief that Alchfrith had held his court here and that it had formerly been Hengist 's town .
22 Even more humiliating was his belief that Mary , not Jennie , should be made president and managing director .
23 He repeated his belief that Mr Clinton was committed to an early settlement of the crucial GATT ( General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ) talks which have stalled in Geneva .
24 With all these things going well , Ken seemed as happy as possible although Michael Codron could find no reason to amend his belief that Ken could never be happy .
25 Your belief that Germany or France would unfailingly defend Britain and British interests against an aggressor is not one that I share .
26 To reject the ways of Christianity up till now because we think we are more enlightened , is to begin to throw doubt on our belief that God does speak through the Bible and the teaching of the Church .
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