Example sentences of "[pron] set up [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Following this period in the homoeopathic hospital I worked for two years in a professorial immunological unit where I set up studies in allergy to assess the efficacy of homoeopathic remedies in house-dust-mite allergy and hay fever ( allergy to grass pollens ) .
2 With 2min 47sec remaining of regular time and the Monarchs leading 17–14 , he threw an interception which set up Birmingham 's equalising field goal and sent the game into overtime .
3 Gray , who had tucked away the penalty which set up Quakers ' promotion to the Third Division only a few weeks before , had never managed a club , and by Christmas it was becoming clear that , while a likeable character , he was not in the same class as his predecessor .
4 Following his seventh-minute penalty goal , it was the lively Fox 's probing kick to the corner which set up Karl Fairbank to put Kiwi centre Darrall Shelford over for a try .
5 That let off seemed to breathe relief back into the home side , and not for the first time this season the imposing physical presence of youngster Ferguson proved crucial with a deft header which set up Cleland for a fine angled finish from 15 yards for the leveller .
6 which set up heavings in the audience
7 This week , the company opened its first European office in London to serve US expatriates and UK investors with an eye on the US market — locking horns in the process with its main American rival , Fidelity Brokerage , which set up shop in the UK four years ago .
8 A lot of people say that you should n't hack young horses out on their own for months , if at all , but I 've always preferred the theory that if horses do n't learn to go out alone from the start you set up problems for later on .
9 We 've had you under surveillance since you set up camp here .
10 What I have always said is that way you set up supervision behind the programme is the most crucial , so therefore if I can sit down and help them to set up the most strenuous type of supervision to go along with the equipment , then they feel safe and the community feel safer that none of them will go out and commit another crime .
11 So — you listen in silence ; and you casework them ; and you set up case-conferences about them ; and you refer them to other agencies ; and you work up your notes on case-handling for the journals . ’
12 So you set up WordPerfect so she , with a blank screen for Sarah to type on .
13 ‘ My prime concern was to get an overview of the main environmental concerns we would face if we set up operations in the area , ’ he explained .
14 We set up experiments on purified lymphocytes in test tubes to see if nutrients available on one side of a filter would provoke lymphocytes on the other side to wriggle their way through the membrane in that direction .
15 The air was calm and , once freed of the camera ship , we set up Nigel 's preferred cruise setting of 2,200/25 inches , which translated into an indicated ( and , at 1,500 feet , probably very close to genuine ) 127 knots .
16 If we set up tasks which ask children to plan what happens at the end of their plays , we not only eradicate the tension , but also lose considerable learning opportunities .
17 To demonstrate that chromosomal P. anserina telomeres are also composed of T 2 AG 3 repeats we set up hybridization experiments using the synthetic probe ( T 2 AG 3 ) 4 .
18 ‘ That bookshop experience really helped when we set up Headline and I started running the UK sales force .
19 That was one of the reasons why , when we set up Headline , I called myself sales and publicity director , as opposed to marketing director , because I wanted to make it perfectly clear that we were a combined department .
20 Our archaeological advisers suggested that we set up control points on the wreck-site and also on the beach opposite the site to monitor seabed and beach movements at regular intervals .
21 They set up camp on the Kālādika , unloading the yaks and lighting a fire as the moon rose low behind the trees .
22 They set up camp on the uninhabited island ; and started a barbecue .
23 For the next ten days they set up camp at Etaples , spending their mornings being marched over dunes , their afternoons being instructed in gas warfare and their evenings being told by Captain Trentham the different ways they could die .
24 Union by moving twenty or thirty miles outside , at once they set up conditions that I know they would set up in London if they could do so unchecked ( The Women 's Printing Society continued to operate , as an exceptional case , with women being paid male rates . )
25 This morning they set up road blocks and questioned hundreds of motorists .
26 They set up diversions at Quy and Six Mile Bottom , East Cambridgeshire council helped clear grain and Suffolk police aided traffic filtering on the westbound side .
27 They set up sessions where people could come and talk about the families , and make statements about the sort of people they were .
28 With the greater prevalence of cohabitation as a prelude to marriage , many couples feel they make their public commitment to each other when they set up house together and sign the joint mortgage form .
29 With the help of a legacy from Raisley Calvert [ q.v. ] , they set up house together at Racedown , Dorset ( 1795 ) .
30 They set up house in No. 93 , which was now to let .
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