Example sentences of "[pron] subject to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A basic feature of the single market programme is the completion of the removal of all such barriers , including the introduction of a Single Administrative Document by 1 January 1993 for customs purposes , which subject to certain public security , public policy and public health exceptions , would abolish all frontier checks and formalities .
2 Yet the ‘ street-level ’ bureaucrat is also the representative of a government agency , one that is itself subject to conflicting pressures .
3 The Cistercian houses , meanwhile , had continued to face increasing burdens of royal taxation in all its forms and unabated demands for apports from Citeaux , itself subject to papal and French royal taxes .
4 The technology is not a neutral determining force , but is itself subject to human choice which is made by the powerful on the basis of what suits their interests .
5 One is the lack of awareness that the technological organisation is itself subject to social forces .
6 The common law standard was itself subject to differing interpretations in different States and , more important , even within any one particular State a person might be an independent contractor for the purposes of vicarious liability while being an employee for the purposes of unemployment compensation .
7 This is because the succession of cheetahs , unlike the succession of annual weather conditions , is itself subject to cumulative selection .
8 After the planning committee has considered the planning application they may decide to approve it , refuse it , or approve it subject to certain conditions .
9 Some theorists identify a multitude of ‘ dialects ’ spoken within one legal system , while others point to changes in the process of law creation : traditional models tend to attribute this to parliament , government and the courts , whereas increasingly it involves those who are themselves subject to legal rules .
10 6.4 Without prejudice to the generality of Clause [ 6.1 a ] each Party undertakes to establish suitable procedures for ensuring that technical and other information of other Parties is restricted to those employees , or as the case may be members of staff or students , needing such information for the purposes of the duties assigned to them and that all such employees , members of staff and students are themselves subject to suitable obligations of confidence .
11 In their rejection of God , the people of Israel had tried to find help all over the place — in Egypt , in Assyria , by making themselves subject to foreign military strength .
12 By the textuality of history , I mean to suggest , firstly , that we can have no access to a full and authentic past , a lived material existence , unmediated by the surviving textual traces of the society in question — traces whose survival we can not assume to be merely contingent but must rather presume to be at least partially consequent upon complex and subtle social processes of preservation and effacement ; and secondly , that those textual traces are themselves subject to subsequent textual mediations when they are construed as the ‘ documents ’ upon which historians ground their own texts , called histories .
13 An agreement on a method for choosing between perfectionist principles can not be ruled out on the grounds that the methods of evaluating different ideals are themselves subject to evaluative controversy .
14 ‘ Put into the language of today , the general principle being there stated is simply that , unless the contrary is expressly enacted or so plainly implied that the courts must give effect to it , United Kingdom legislation is applicable only to British subjects or to foreigners who by coming to the United Kingdom , whether for a short or a long time , have made themselves subject to British jurisdiction .
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