Example sentences of "[pron] lives [verb] been " in BNC.

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1 Up to that time their lives had been appallingly difficult , given the savage treatment their fellow-Poles meted out to them .
2 By the time it came out , in any case , all their lives had been irrevocably altered by the progress of world events .
3 There was , however , an insidious corollary to the belief that God might intervene to save His chosen people and prolong the lives of deserving individuals ; it was that where He did not intervene to save life , those who lost their lives had been found unworthy .
4 Their lives had been a circular journey : no less than nine of them had spent their schooldays there .
5 Their lives had been so impoverished that even those elementary things had been taken from them .
6 All those who went through the ordeal had at some time survived an accident or illness when their lives had been despaired of .
7 He would watch their puzzled , attentive faces while Nonni talked about clothes and the latest film she had seen , ‘ jollying them up a bit ’ , as she called it : she thought that because their lives had been man-less , they were therefore dull and sad .
8 Their lives had been hell and they were all very frightened . ’
9 Their lives had been plain and unadorned , and it was in such language that Grainne would address them .
10 It was as if their lives had been aimless , random as pinballs , but when they came inside her door , there was a chair especially for them and a mug chosen for their tea .
11 They said their lives had been ruined , but Mr Lanaghan says it 's his family who 've really suffered
12 Judge David told them , their lives had been devoted to the relief of pain and suffering but in this case they chose to inflict considerable pain on a young woman in their care , isolated by their way of life .
13 For older people , the familiar landmarks of their lives have been bulldozed , leaving them bewildered and uncertain .
15 I WAS shocked to receive this morning a letter from AI in an envelope bearing the question : ‘ What man will marry them now that their lives have been ruined ? ’
16 Having made two journeys to India and stayed with Indian friends there , I did not find the quote at all out of order , and to me the emphasis naturally fell on the words ‘ now that their lives have been ruined ’ rather than the five preceding words .
17 The women 's real names and some details about their lives have been disguised to protect their privacy .
18 I think that one important strand in the rejection of feminism by many women has been a feeling that feminists are saying that their lives have been of no value , and that their activities and concerns have been trivial .
19 Their lives have been devoted to the welfare of the next generation — not , it is true , to their direct descendants , but to their younger brothers and sisters and therefore potentially to their nephews and nieces .
20 For the last six days , their lives have been completely disrupted .
21 There was the binding of wounds and examining of bruises to be considered , and the saying of prayers and sewing-up in bedding of those whose lives had been forfeit and above all there was a great deal of talking to be one , for , as the Magistrate scientifically observed , nothing unusual can happen among human beings without generating an immense , compensating volume of chatter .
22 As far as anyone could make out none of the hostages whose lives had been threatened earlier in the year had actually been harmed , but the stream of communiqués from the groups had dried up .
23 Many of the children , even if not born in Ireland , were of Irish parents who had left behind appalling deprivation in their homeland and whose lives had been one long struggle for survival .
24 Taking only the period in which this book has been written , and limiting the location to the UK , there have been numerous similar press-provoked scandals in which the homosexual has kept turning up where he or she should not , especially at the ‘ respectable ’ centre of things : in MI5 , the Houses of Parliament , as parliamentary candidate , schoolteacher , council employee , prison chaplain , vicar , guard to the Queen Mother , film star , circuit judge , to cite only some ( and some whose lives have been destroyed by homophobic media harassment ) .
25 Refugees are people whose lives have been shattered by intolerance , persecution , torture and fear of death .
26 May we be patient with those people whose lives have been difficult and who feel bitter and resentful .
27 They 're people whose lives have been shattered by the incest or other sexual abuse that engulfed their childhood and darkened their lives thereafter .
28 The testimony of those whose lives have been transformed by his work is very affecting : bonded labourers , now members of the union , some bonded for three generations for the sake of a loan of Rs200 ( £5 ) and a few kilos of padi ; now learning a trade through the ‘ polytechnics ’ established by the Chattisgarh Liberation Front .
29 The story of Bob and Kimberly captures the emotional torture of families across America whose lives have been blighted by baby swops .
30 ‘ We regularly come into contact with elderly people whose lives have been ruined by such cowardly attacks , ’ said a spokesman .
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