Example sentences of "[pron] met them [prep] " in BNC.

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1 One of these papers was a recent statement by the county education committee that no change in the status of the grammar school was contemplated : on that basis , I was able to reassure my anxious colleagues , when I met them on the first day of term , that abrupt change was not imminent .
2 I met them on one of my early trips out here . ’
3 I met them at the same time , ’ Tim recalls .
4 I met them through an advert .
5 When I met them after the game and asked them what they thought , they said the highlight was listening to the girl behind them telling her mate that if Batty did n't start playing better then she 'd have to start denying him sex ! ! !
6 She sighed and relaxed and when his lips sought hers again she met them with matching urgency .
7 She described how she walked around for months ‘ with a pain , almost a physical pain , in my heart ’ ; of how she avoided friends and pulled her hat over her face if she met them in the street ; of how , at last , she knew she must express her thousand emotions about her little grandchild in the way she knew best , in clay .
8 Robin Gurdon , who met them at army headquarters , was to guide the party through the southernmost part of the British lines as they hoped that by skirting the edge of the depression , they would avoid any main concentrations of German troops .
9 Who met them on the beaches ?
10 Hodai told Rostov that the major-domo who met them in the antechamber of the palace was a N'pani , the only foreigner with any authority at the court .
11 He then startled champions-elect Everton with an early goal when we met them at their Goodison Park headquarters a week later ( 1–2 ) .
12 We met them at Carberry Hill .
13 ‘ This other team we 've got to beat — we met them on Saturday .
14 We met them on Friday and we did not get the assurances , ’ the spokesman added .
15 Others we chatted with when we met them around the grounds , and some became temporary friends who asked us in for coffee or drinks , invitations which we pleasurably returned .
16 she 's , she 's only just had her money through , remember when we met them in Tenerife
17 One met them at every turn asking plaintively , ‘ Has edyone god edy andihysterbine tableds ? ’
18 He met them at the gate and was smiling .
19 He met them at the gates of the airfield ( still a debris of contractors ' equipment surrounded by barbed wire ) and informed them gravely that if they entered — no difficult matter — they would be breaking the law .
20 And er also many engineers when they were out their time , they went to Glasgow and for a few years , he , everybody who went from Galashiels , word got through to him and he met them at the station and got them settled in their digs in Glasgow .
21 He met them with a drawn sword , but it was Gwion and Colban and a score of others armed with staves , kitchen knives and clubs .
22 He thought of startling Fred and Daisy with a flood of Italian when he met them off the boat train at Victoria Station , but at the sight of them his plans fled for excitement .
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