Example sentences of "[pron] remained a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I remained a TV reporter , doing more or less the same kind of interviews as for TWW .
2 It was a habit which remained a stand-by of abolitionists in the campaigns for emancipation and against apprenticeship ; Wilberforce was convinced however that , contrary to the practice of 1790 , pressure near the end of a parliament was likely to be more effective as MPs ' minds were concentrated by the approach of an election .
3 He was not prepared to lead the FLN , he said , " as a party which remained a cover for the state and which received its orders from above " .
4 The meeting was held to discuss the future of the UN draft peace plan which remained a point of dispute between the opposing factions .
5 A communiqué issued on Feb. 18 by the National Directorate of the Sandinista National Liberation Front ( FSLN ) denied any connection with the killing , the specific motive for which remained a mystery .
6 ‘ If you remained a friend of Bills 's — and it was difficult not to — you were forced to admit that modesty did not rate highly in his scheme of the virtues .
7 Days of wine and roses , and wild , wild parties with Devlin , Gittes and fellow nightowl Harry Dean Stanton — another of his big buddies from acting class who remained a friend and co-star for ever — became temporarily less important to him and , for a couple of years , he settled into the life of a happily married man , with Sandra seemingly intent on becoming the loving wife at home .
8 He replaced Wang Bingqian , who remained a State Councillor .
9 Other changes included the appointment of a new Foreign Minister , Ahmad Husayn Khudayyir , to replace Tariq Aziz , who remained a Deputy Prime Minister .
10 Then he caught glimpses of the freer way of life of his father 's bachelor brother and , as he explored and fished along the canal , got to know Dad Uzzell who remained a surrogate father-figure for the rest of Edward 's life .
11 But with or without the cosmological term , the fact that matter caused space-time to curve in on itself remained a problem , though it was not generally recognized as such .
12 On the grounds that James IV 's will had nominated her for the regency only if she remained a widow , the Scottish Estates sent for the Duke of Albany , descendant of that Stewart who had plagued James III .
13 The pomegranate mouth still glowed impeccably , the sculptured curls lay smooth ; people were beginning to look flushed , she remained a fount of coolness .
14 Faced by such diverse interpretations of the new adversary , the Reagan Presidency in 1985 , rather than return to Kissinger 's ideal of ‘ linkage ’ in a period of détente , decided to pursue a policy of ‘ constructive confrontation ’ with Moscow , accepting that certain agreements with Russia were possible even if she remained a rival on the world stage .
15 She remained a stranger to me . ’
16 Besides , he believed in me , so we remained a team for another decade .
17 There remained a core of committed supporters who had accompanied Edward into exile or who rallied to him after his landing in Yorkshire in 1471 .
18 There remained a core of committed supporters who had accompanied Edward into exile or who rallied to him after his landing in Yorkshire in 1471 .
19 There remained a couple of sheets of quarto .
20 For the older men , who had sent their sons to slaughter , there remained a determination to make conditions better ; for the younger men there was an almost obsessive guilt at having survived the holocaust when so many friends had died .
21 The newly formed independent human rights organization Organisation Marocaine des Droits de L'Homme ( OMDH ) ( see p. 36244 ) claimed on July 26 , 1989 , that there remained a total of 226 political prisoners in Morocco , 12 of whom had been condemned to death and 33 of whom were in indefinite solitary confinement .
22 There remained a duty of compassion to the man .
23 After the great innovative period of bacteriology had achieved its ends , there remained a number of diseases , evidently infectious , for which no causative organisms could be found .
24 The garden was overgrown , but the shape of submerged flower beds could still be seen , and the minute spears upthrusting by the house wall showed where there remained a clump of snowdrops .
25 They remained a week in the Ottoman capital , by no means long enough for Miss Logan to become accustomed to the coarse stares she received at the table d'hôte .
26 It remained a dream .
27 It remained a myth .
28 Throughout its fluctuating history in antislavery it remained a badge of ‘ purity ’ and a mark of earnestness .
29 However , the fundamental nature of the NHS was maintained in the sense that it remained a service funded from general taxation , free at the point of use .
30 For perhaps one second it remained a river bank , but then it became the shingle and sand beach fifty yards from my childhood home .
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