Example sentences of "[pron] needs to be " in BNC.

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1 Thank God no more by me needs to be said .
2 Exactly the same is true of ageism and everyone needs to be alert to their often unconscious ageist attitudes .
3 Everyone needs to be able to integrate work with personal life .
4 And everyone needs to be consulted .
5 Everyone needs to be loved , ’ she returned quietly .
6 Generally speaking , people in this room are sitting around relaxing ; they are n't bustling about generating their own heat so the atmosphere around them needs to be kept at a comfortable temperature .
7 They want to see the elimination of the use of knives in crimes of violence , but their approach is that the law is adequate to deal with the problem and that nothing needs to be changed .
8 It 's Nurse River , I 'll be bound , someone needs to be driven somewhere .
9 I hope you like its new look and find its approach to yours needs to be equally professional .
10 A Deed of Covenant is a legal document which needs to be correctly drawn up and signed .
11 ‘ There is a unity about the whole thing which needs to be practised in a single centre , ’ the MRC source said .
12 But since Gide has been criticized in this respect it is something which needs to be addressed .
13 Or , put slightly differently , in imagining that self , he builds into it too much of the oppressor 's culture — i.e. precisely that which needs to be destroyed .
14 To fill the gap from mid-July to mid-August , grow ‘ Pandora ’ , which needs to be cross-pollinated by a variety like ‘ Cambridge Favourite ’ .
15 Quality of service is a concept which needs to be recognised and implemented by businesses who hope to survive and grow in the years that lie ahead .
16 Through their wide experience of the stories they have read and hear , they should be helped to increase their control of story form , recognising , for example , that events take place in a setting , which needs to be described , and that the outcome has to be made explicit for the reader .
17 1.2 Our terms of reference define attainment targets as : ‘ clear objectives for the knowledge , skills , understanding and aptitudes which pupils of different abilities and maturity should be expected to have acquired at or near certain ages ’ and programmes of study as : ‘ describing the essential content which needs to be covered to enable pupils to reach or surpass the attainment targets ’ .
18 The sailors are timed over a course of 500m , which needs to be flat water with an optimum sailing angle of 120–130 degrees to the wind .
19 This is not only because of the harmful effects they can have on the physical self but also because the need for them indicates a severe deficiency in the emotional self — a deficiency which needs to be helped and treated rather than disguised .
20 No ! ) behaviour which needs to be curbed as soon as possible .
21 In historical studies the actual quotation from the appropriate Act of Parliament or the speech from Hansard or the letter from the collected correspondence may be the vital piece of information which needs to be placed in its right position to fill in a sort of jigsaw pattern which gives what can only be the one consistent answer .
22 It is the soul of man which needs to be dealt with to enable him to spend eternity with Christ , clothed in a new incorruptible body as explained by the Apostle Paul in 1st Corinthians 15 verses 35–58 .
23 There is a balance which needs to be drawn here , however .
24 One person may need a lot of help in dressing , or with moving about , another may suffer from incontinence which needs to be managed , a third person might benefit from exercises , physiotherapy or mental stimulation .
25 For others this will be a new situation , but one which needs to be taken into consideration when planning for retirement .
26 Yet a statement of national intent concerning the learnings planned and provided for a nation 's youth is surely a document which should be available and one which needs to be open to public criticism .
27 Is there anything which needs to be cleared up with someone else that is robbing you of a clear conscience ?
28 It has been encouraging to read in your last two issues constructive recognition by Pilot readers and by you , the editor , that GA noise is an issue which needs to be addressed , both for the sake of those exposed to it , and for the long-term health of light aviation .
29 There are Special arrangements for taxing the dividends on shares , war widow 's pensions , ordinary deposits in the National Savings Bank , and deposits in the ordinary department of a Trustee Savings Bank , all of which are discussed in detail in the Inland Revenue booklet , Income Tax and the Elderly , which needs to be studied carefully for each individual .
30 If you are having difficulties with someone , assume that the other person is an aspect of yourself which needs to be integrated , and try the Gestalt ‘ empty chair ’ technique .
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