Example sentences of "[pron] stood at [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For more than two hours I stood at bay while a nonstop torrent of crockery poured down on me ; thousands and thousands of plates , every one bearing a smear of cottage pie , a blob of cold gravy , a few adhering chips .
2 The next day , although I sprayed the pests , as I knew I must , I stood at arm 's length from the compost heap and wore jeans and high-rise trainers .
3 I stood at ease in front of them and the interrogation started .
4 As soon as you saw that you were about to be struck , you stood at attention and waited for the blows .
5 Their arms and shoulders touching , they stood at attention , like brightly caparisoned guards .
6 It stood at stud at Craigie and half of its earnings were paid to William Dunlop , the sleeping partner .
7 At full nineteen he stood at life 's door ,
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