Example sentences of "[pron] are already [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 But if the problems of training staff and investing in the necessary hardware and software systems are proving burdensome to national institutions , they will surely place an intolerable strain on the budgets of local archival services , many of whom are already faced with reduced hours of opening and the like simply in order to survive .
2 some of them are already actioned there
3 There are no certainties in the field of demography , but on the assumption that present mortality rates at all ages will not worsen , we can be fairly certain about the absolute numbers of men and women over the present statutory retirement pension age ( 60 for women and 65 for men ) well into the twenty-first century — at least until the 2040s — because all of them are already born .
4 ‘ There are about 16 places here at the moment but most of them are already booked .
5 These problems can occur in societies which are already developed and modern as well as in developing nations .
6 The DC refers to modules which are already referred to by a DC activated via another package ( this check prevents the occurrence of conflicting modifications ) .
7 This option enables you to add more modules relationships to a submitted Software Status Report ( SSR ) or to extend the range of versions of existing modules which are already related to the SSR .
8 An additional and severe problem is that the volumes of data which are already collected are huge by the standards of only a decade ago .
9 Preselected options , or values which are already filled in , are called defaults .
10 It 's it 's they 're gon na use the green wedges that are already there and the existing footpaths which are already cycled along .
11 Or to put it another way : on the representational theory of mind , all learning is the testing of hypotheses which are already represented in the mind in some form ( for instance as sentences ) .
12 Rendered or dashed walls can always benefit from a coat of good exterior wall paint , and surfaces which are already painted will probably need recoating every few years .
13 It is a waste of time to debate issues which are already settled .
14 Such catastrophic events , he believes , are more likely to be due to the receipt of a considerable volume of rainfall in a short space of time on to soils which are already saturated , as occurs during the monsoon season .
15 He advises organisations to go for proven and well understood technologies to meet their basic requirements , wherever possible using architectures which are already known within the company — even if different technologies have been implemented on top .
16 The implication of this is that dividends do not carry significant new information , merely a confirmation of present conditions which are already known from other sources of information .
17 Finally , LIFESPAN ABLE will enter all modules which are already known to LIFESPAN and are on active DCs .
18 Companies House also sends out registration forms which are already preprinted with the details they have on record so that companies only need make alterations .
19 Places are allocated on a strictly first come first served basis , and are limited to a maximum of 16 places , some of which are already allocated .
20 The second sheet which is headed commitments , is a list which is derived from er the statements made by the different authorities , er about the number of dwellings which are already permitted in one form or another .
21 It is possible to treat each of the pair , as a single consonant phoneme ( we will call this the one-phoneme analysis of , ) , and it is also possible to say that they are composed of two phonemes each — either plus or plus all of which are already established as independent phonemes of English ; this will be called the two-phoneme analysis of and .
22 The numbers of the bilingual service providers which are already mentioned are growing slowly .
23 We can also explore the meaning of taboo for those of us ( lesbians ) who are already defined as taboo .
24 ‘ You are not allowed to serve drinks to people who are already intoxicated and these young people were under age .
25 I 'm talking about people who are already retired .
26 A spokeswoman for the Women 's Centre , a voluntary organisation fighting against the proposed abolition , said it would add further to the misery of women who are already exploited as cheap labour .
27 He can be denied the nomination only by an extraordinary blocking coalition of ‘ super-delegates ’ — party bigwigs who make up nearly a fifth of the voting delegates at the convention — and delegates already won by Tsongas and by Brown , plus a handful of delegates ( more than a tenth of the total ) who are already pledged as ‘ uncommitted ’ .
28 Special consideration of alternative strategies , such as nutritional or surgical intervention , is warranted for children who are already stunted at the time of diagnosis and therefore need extra catch up growth .
29 The students , who are already represented on the village 's crime prevention panel , are involved with the formation of a junior crime prevention panel .
30 Illicit work concerns work outside of the formal labour market 's tax and social security system and is most frequent among those who are already employed .
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