Example sentences of "[pron] he 's talk " in BNC.

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1 He 's remembered that Daddy was n't there either ; he 's remembered who he 's talking to and he 's just sober enough to mind his p's and q's .
2 I thought , I hope she knows who he 's talking to !
3 and half way through a composition he ca n't remember who he 's talking to and things like that
4 There 's nothing more irritating than a sales assistant who does n't know what he 's talking about .
5 Certainly the criticism Mister C has received for not knowing what he 's talking about , for faking it or just for coming late to the whole shamanic party seems a little sniffy and actually beside the point .
6 We have , for example , an electronics officer so unbelievably advanced in his speciality that none of your much-vaunted high-technology whizzkids in Silicon Valley would even begin to know what he 's talking about . ’
7 As I told General Carson , he 's so incredibly advanced in his electronic speciality that your high-tech whizzkids in Silicon Valley would n't even begin to understand what he 's talking about . ’
8 ‘ The experts — an expert may be loosely defined as any person who claims he knows what he 's talking about — are deeply divided as to what happened .
9 The Profitboss profits from the facts , convincing his customers , suppliers , colleagues and team alike that he knows what he 's talking about , that his conclusions and recommendations are based on solid evidence rather than unsubstantiated opinion .
10 I suggest that he does n't ( indicative ) know what he 's talking about and that he do ( subjunctive ) his homework before crossing swords with self-respecting pedants like me — some of us have a reputation to think of !
11 So that you feel happy with it so that you , Oh yeah now I understand what he 's talking about .
12 And he does n't know what he 's talking about : he 's too young , too inexperienced , too Edward .
13 If anybody knows that area , they 'll know what he 's talking about .
14 The old fool does n't know what he 's talking about . ’
15 ‘ Do you know what he 's talking about ? ’
16 The little turd does n't know what he 's talking about . ]
17 You know he 'd far prefer to have the cheap workforce that you could tell exactly and appear to know what he 's talking about , whereas the older men knew that he knew absolutely nothing .
18 right , and I look over to Roger and Roger 's flicking through his notes like this and as you , you were peeping through and he 's trying to find out what , what he 's talking about , they 're not looking at each other and anyway at the end of it , er we went through it and at the end of it he turned round and went how was it , what were you playing at , what was that spiel that you gave it 's in my brief , that 's one of my objections
19 We know what he 's talking about .
20 What he 's talking about and this is the same erm same councillor who was talking about living harmoniously side by side those that have are are buying them , those that are renting them but what he 's actually saying is well I 'm actually very , very sorry but if you have n't a job , if you have n't an income or you 're income is so low , just go over there and stay away from us decent chaps with lots of cash .
21 These days are assuredly gone , for contemporary society , as Cosmo ( Matthew Wait ) declares , is based on ‘ the survival of the fittest ’ and he knows what he 's talking about .
22 Mr Means , who in real life seized Wounded Knee on behalf of the American Indian Movement ( AIM ) in 1973 , and held it under siege for 71 days , knows what he 's talking about .
23 Mm , what he 's talking about is the old covenant was to do with the mountain was n't it ?
24 Have you got any idea what he 's talking about ?
25 Ken does n't know what he 's talking about
26 What do you know what he 's talking about ?
27 Another thing about Steven Hughes Conference is that he knows what he 's talking about , on on shop floor iss issues like health and safety and those colleagues who were present at the launch of the G M B's National Health and Safety Campaign will confirm that especially the way he described the Chief Executive of the Health and Safety Executive .
28 And if they say something very specific and knowledgeable you know that this chap knows what he 's talking about , and therefore you can prepare your answer and Sorry ?
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