Example sentences of "[pron] in [pron] mind " in BNC.

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1 n my in my mind .
2 He looked at himself in his mind 's eye , squared his shoulders and carried on down the stairs .
3 I can only guess that by then he had so established himself in my mind as a man who was trying to help women that I was no longer objective .
4 So I do n't want to go through all the things that are the same , I want to highlight the differences , and maybe it 'll help you in your mind to distinguish between the two products as regards examination and the questionnaire tomorrow .
5 ‘ You see that I had you in my mind ! ’
6 Because of Lisa , I created a picture of you in my mind .
7 The old familiar image of that desperately clutching hand , rising up out of the waves and then sinking again for ever , created itself in her mind 's eye .
8 That was when the plan of running away had begun to formulate itself in her mind .
9 Christine half-turned then , and glanced at the room as if some ironic comment had presented itself in her mind ; but instead she said , ‘ Anyone can do anything .
10 A name for the monk had instinctively formed itself in her mind .
11 Inject her with a rare South American pois — The word ‘ poison ’ had scarcely formed itself in his mind before Henry knew , with the sweet certainty that accompanies most forms of conquest , that he had found his métier .
12 Something Flynn had once said to him kept repeating itself in his mind .
13 She felt it probing her mind , as if it was asking her a question , searching for something in her mind .
14 At times we may realise that we ‘ know ’ something in our mind that has not come about through reasoning .
15 But something in my mind hated them .
16 See , Sue has n't come back to me , the science department has n't come to me so I 'm not , I may leave that and say , and do something like that next year in a module or wait until I 've finished again I do n't mind , that 's still something in my mind which I would like to do but because talking to the form tutor 's , what I had written down as a fait a complet erm they 're not too keen so therefore I opened up and say you know , which particular things they were interested in the banking one they are very interested in the environment one , yes , within the school tidy upping area that they would like to do but I 've got ta be able to , and I do n't when planting season is or if I wan na put , be able to put flowers in etcetera , you see what I mean ?
17 He felt like it was asking him a question or searching for something in his mind .
18 Yeah , but I thought you had one in your mind .
19 Pat nodded her head , reckoning up the cost of everything in her mind .
20 It 's calling to me in my mind , and it 's horrible ! ’
21 Almost too afraid to hope , she repeated them in her mind .
22 The seriousness with which such a man takes those duties , and the manner in which he arranges them in his mind as regards their priorities depends entirely on how , from early childhood , he has been taught and influenced by his home life , schools and religious training , if any .
23 Poor child — he can see them in his mind 's eye , but how can he express them in paint ?
24 He 'd walked up and down those shitawful streets , absorbing the sights and sounds and smells of the real Machinian Oswaldston , and he had tentatively rendered them in his mind in Brobdingnagian words .
25 He pictured them in his mind , and recoiled from the thought .
26 I have a picture of them in my mind — tilled from the edge of the sea to the boundary fence , a tidy , changing pattern of ordered use .
27 I knew all these ; had already played with them in my mind , from the most inconsequential ( Mickey Spillane 's ‘ another three days ' work never hurt anyone' ) to the most tragic : the story of Joseph de Jussieu and his search for the fever tree .
28 I can see them in my mind 's eye even now .
29 I can see them in my mind 's eye rising and dancing slowly around the room , their bodies undulating in a controlled exuberance as if lifted out of the world of motor cars , rockets and computerised mentalities into some universal heartbeat , some rhythm of the day , of the night , of the sea , of life .
30 Post-war children had few clothes , because of rationing ; but not only scarcity , rather names like barathea , worsted , gaberdine , twill , jersey … fix them in my mind .
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