Example sentences of "[pron] was known [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The richness of personal awareness of God in the Old Testament is hardly better seen than through the wealth of metaphors for the God who was known and loved in daily life :
2 It was known that Potter wanted to direct some of his own work at some stage .
3 It was quite a shock to everyone when it was known that Mr Wilson had died ; he who had always seemed so solid and enduring .
4 He was in good shape and in good heart , and although it was known that he did not run up to his best at Cheltenham , the conditions would suit him much more than those of a year ago and few opposed him .
5 In particular , it was known that each cell contains a nucleus which can be seen to contain a number of threads , the chromosomes .
6 It was known that one gene could influence several traits ( pleiotropism ) and that a single trait could be influenced by many genes ( polygenic inheritance ) .
7 Although it was known that something serious had occurred , the details were kept secret for decades .
8 The accession of the new Tsar , Alexander II , in January 1855 , was followed by an outburst of diplomatic activity in Paris and London , since it was known that the new sovereign was inclined to peace and the allies were more than willing to bring the conflict to an end .
9 Austria was so totally defeated by Prussia at the battle of Sadowa in July 1866 that any attempt at mediation by France would have been rejected out of hand at Berlin , where it was known that such mediation would be a paper exercise with no military back-up .
10 It was known that fees in secondary schools would shortly be abolished , that grammar-school education would be developed for about 20 per cent of the population , and assumed that secondary modern schools would be provided for the rest .
11 It was known that stimulation caused the heart to increase its oxygen consumption .
12 It was known that , if Sunderland lost their game , then Bristol and Coventry needed only to draw against each other in order to stay in the First Division .
13 And it was known that they ate well and that they patronised the theatre , and the concerts in the City Hall in Newcastle .
14 Through the college 's catering Advisory Committee , membership of which is open to representatives of the industry , it was known that the catering establishments wanted training for restaurant managers in a range of topics from customer care to staff motivation .
15 If it was known that a Girl simply had a relation with the disease , she would find herself singled out for extra help to the point of favouritism .
16 Although John 's percentage cut depended on the total amount collected , it was known that he never harassed tax debtors , indeed , anyone with genuine difficulty in paying was likely to be entertained to lunch at Henrietta Villa by the sympathetic Comptroller .
17 It was known that many of them had sympathy with Mosley and his verminous bunch .
18 For it was known that the Green , and other parts in the city , were the haunts of peeping-Toms and perverts .
19 If it was known that a bad record led to the dismissal of a headman , then his enemies reported false cases .
20 It was known that it could be unco-operative .
21 There was a strong case against favouring one section of the community ( i.e. the farmers ) , but it was known that animals and poultry were hungry .
22 When a person of rank died far from home , and it was known that the funeral would therefore be delayed , embalming allowed the body to remain recognizable long enough for the relatives to make a positive identification on its arrival home .
23 Inside FI , it was known that Emerson could have gone on driving for a major team and many thought it a pity that he had not stuck to doing what he knew best .
24 Yet it was known that , although most Asians knew Swahili , English or both , there were still some who spoke only one of the languages of the Indian subcontinent .
25 At the time it was known that the Sun 's retinue consisted of eight planets .
26 It was known that fasting could cause hallucinations , and extreme weather conditions were thought to affect the mind .
27 Her methods of acquisition ranged from chance discoveries and bargain purchases in shops to point-blank admiration of other people 's possessions , which found some owners parting with their treasures as gifts , while others hid their bibelots when it was known that a visit from the Queen was imminent .
28 It was known that he had been archbishop of Canterbury between 1006 and 1012 , and that he had been killed by the Danes for refusing to pay Danegeld .
29 It was known that a change was taking place and Perhaps it was felt the more because of the very success of the Concert ; humanitarian impulses and liberal assumptions had disguised the fact , axiomatic to professional diplomats , that the interests of states often conflicted .
30 It was known that the financial controls within the industry left a good deal to be desired , but when the new Minister of Fuel and Power , Aubrey Jones , tried to tighten up in 1956 ( even beginning the publication of annual investment targets in a bid to increase the Boards ' commitment to them ) , he found it was not easy to impose such discipline when his target was fixed unreasonably low , as the Boards assured him it was .
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