Example sentences of "[pron] was actually [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He claims , for instance , that when he was researching Whigs and Hunters , ‘ on several occasions , while I was actually watching , the lonely hour of the last instance actually came ’ ( Thompson , 1979 : 299 ) .
2 SUCH is the power of coincidence that while I was actually writing the letter published on this page today — the one from a sad widow who 's beloved dog had died — a press release plopped onto my desk .
3 No I was actually getting at a certain person that works for Trident that does n't think it 's worth extra hassle for a hundred and eighty pounds more a year .
4 I was actually thinking about suicide , ’ he confessed to Barbara .
5 Brought up well as I was actually born in the village and that 's where I 've come home to roost when I left the army .
6 The house that I was actually born in is still there , number twenty five er after a while I moved across the road to a bigger house when , cos my mother had an another son and a daughter and then we moved over to the , so when we were quite a bit in the Stoke area .
7 I was born in London in nineteen thirty-eight , but my father was German , my mother was English , I was actually born in the German Hospital in London .
8 Er , my my natural mother er , actually had me adopted when I was a baby and erm so I was actually adopted by a minister and his wife and I think , erm , I would have been brought up completely differently if she , she 'd just bought me up on her own , you know , so I think erm oh that 's it really .
9 I was actually flashed at er in the library and what I thought of I would of done was completely different to what I actually did , erm , I thought I would of been quite calm about it , but in fact I ran out the library and I ran straight back to my flat erm , I was at that point I think about twenty one
10 I was actually living on his farm at the time .
11 My posting came through and I was posted to Swordstone this side of Norwich , so I was still quids in , I could get home once a week , twenty four hour pass and then erm after a while erm , having served at Regiment , I was posted up to , as the Sergeant Artillery Clerk with the Brigade , an ack-ack brigade up at Coventry , just outside Coventry and then of course the A T S were coming in , were coming in in quite large numbers then and they were replacing male personnel and then I was posted abroad and I went to Egypt where I was there again , fortunate enough , I suppose , to go into the echelon , the second echelon which was the Records Office of all the forces or the armoured personnel in the Middle East and I worked there until I was actually demobbed from there but I was out in Egypt there for two , just over two years , came back to Northampton where I was finally demobbed and allowed to come home and as I said I came home one week and I was back at work the next .
12 I remember that in 1970 I was actually called deranged because I drew attention to the various forms of manifest nonsense on which ‘ The Thing ’ was battening .
13 Right and and by putting these prices up on the lancer and that I was actually clawing a couple of thousand pound back off them .
14 Wycombe were beaten by Bob Taylor 's 82nd-minute winner , and their disconsolate boss Martin O'Neill said : ‘ I was actually looking forward to extra-time because I was so sure we would win .
15 I was actually looking forward to extra time because I was so sure that we would win .
16 I was actually looking at you before I came in , but just come out here for a second There are two ways I can hurt you .
17 My idea of a nature reserve and what I was actually looking at were not the same thing at all .
18 So I was actually messing around with the Tax Officer for quite a while because I was on demob leave and I was also working so he was n't gon na let me have two lots of sa wages .
19 No , no , I , I wa I was actually referring to the , the nature of , and the , whether if Shropshire was the same as the national .
20 I was actually weeping with advance self-pity before I got there .
21 I was actually tied to the stake and the kindling lit but , once again , fortune intervened .
22 I was actually remembering the first part !
23 Well , if you want something to drink to , this one will make you laugh — I was actually nurturing the idea of working for you one day .
24 I was actually reading off it
25 I was actually mugged on holiday er then years ago and I was held up with a gun and it was the most horrendous feeling
26 I got a lot of stick for that at first but when my tutor realised I was actually producing work it was okay .
27 For a second I was mesmerised by the chasm before me but as the only way I was going to fall was it I made the effort to jump , I realised that I was actually enjoying the thrill of imagined danger .
28 Did you think I was actually enjoying it ? ’
29 ‘ I was even taken to hospital at one point thinking I had a hypo coming on , but then we realised that I was actually having panic attacks — a delayed reaction to losing my sight .
30 I could n't believe the mild , interested responses — before long I was actually having what amounted to a conversation .
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