Example sentences of "[pron] is recognize that " in BNC.

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1 Which is recognizing that children play a vital r role in a lot of coun in a lot of families .
2 Which is recognizing that it 's not there to start with .
3 no , because the point is that Labour has not changed it 's course , which is recognizing that at the heart of it 's policies we have to show that we know the world has changed , and we 've got a message to women , which is that we know that you are essential in your role in the family , but we know you 're also essential in the economy ,
4 If one is to recognize that there are applied linguists and language teachers in the world identifiable by the difference of role they play ( even though these roles may exist in different degrees of convergence ) then the division of responsibility which corresponds with appraisal and application seems to be just about the only one to make .
5 It is recognized that there are many valid ways of growing older .
6 More recently , Twin Peaks ( 1990- ) may be less surprising in its unsettling mix of crime , pastiche and parody when it is recognized that its coauthor , Mark Frost , was also a script writer of the first Hill Street Blues series .
7 In so doing it is recognized that many of the questions raised are left open for subsequent investigation and that the results are initial and tentative .
8 Here at Nottingham it is recognized that the source of our special contribution to academic achievement is the quality of the people who work within it .
9 However , it is recognized that other tasks may well tap other aspects of plural reference .
10 In a society which is becoming increasingly influenced by computer and other information technology it is recognized that schoolchildren need the facility of interacting with the new technology as soon as possible .
11 At one time only a few selected diseases were thought to have links with the sufferer 's state of mind , but now it is recognized that a whole range — from cancer to heart attack — may be brought on by worry and strain .
12 Today , of course , it is recognized that no real success can be achieved by a therapist working alone ; the patient 's full co-operation is essential .
13 While it is recognized that anyone might experience anger at some time , and engage in a quarrel , most would not admit to having done so .
14 Once it is recognized that the job of the visual system is to recode the retinal image in terms of a representation of the outside world , and that much of this encoding can be done by comparing the properties of the retinal image in different parts of the visual field using fairly straightforward rules , constancies present no problem .
15 However inadequate his predictions proved in the twentieth century , Marx 's appeal remains incomprehensible unless it is recognized that he did have an unsurpassed grasp of nineteenth-century capitalism .
16 However , it is recognized that some processes , such as the production of output for proofing or to magnetic tape , may be executed in a background mode to optimize the use of system resources .
17 It is recognized that the current account deficit and associated capital inflows to the USA must eventually be corrected .
18 Now , thanks to form criticism , it is recognized that most of the psalms were sung in the public worship of the temple prior to its destruction in 587 BC .
19 Thus although it is recognized that regulatory agencies can influence behaviour , it is also true that the framework on to which they impose constraints is not the same regardless of the underlying institutional structure .
20 However , once managerial utility depends not just on income but also on effort , and it is recognized that cost reductions require a non-trivial amount of effort , it is clear that the monetary incentive will not lead to costs falling automatically to the efficient level .
21 It is recognized that in practice ‘ equality in equilibrium ’ is most unlikely to be reached , since well before such processes could have fully played themselves out other changes may well have disrupted the system in other ways .
22 It is recognized that the everyday work of monitoring and negotiating is itself an expression of the agency 's legal mandate , and the legal rules about pollution may occasionally be invoked as part of the process of securing compliance .
23 In order to communicate between data bases of differing structures it is recognized that some expansion of the file is necessary .
24 Whatever the reason , it is recognized that stressed trees then become vulnerable to further damage through drought , wind damage ( through weakened root systems ) , snow damage ( the brittle tops of trees snap beneath the weight of snow ) , frost , insects ( e.g. the bark beetle is attracted by chemicals such as terpenes given off by stressed trees ) and needle fungal and virus attack .
25 Consequently , it is recognized that what is offered can only be a highly personal and limited selection of developments in disciplines other than financial management , with a few isolated ideas on linkages between them .
26 However it is recognized that decisions by overseas students to accept or reject offers are influenced by a more complex set of factors than for home students , and there remains uncertainty over the appropriate offer ratios to be applied .
27 Suppose it is recognized that economies of scale may lead to monopoly or other forms of imperfect competition that tend to misallocate resources .
28 It is recognized that staff use information resources both in furtherance of their own interests , and to answer particular enquiries .
29 It is recognized that any programme of improving information management will cost money , in the form of staff and equipment , but any money spent will result in opening up the wealth of our information resources to larger numbers of people .
30 It is recognized that this is reaching its final stages . "
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