Example sentences of "[pron] is far [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 What nobody seemed to notice was that the text of Article 23 , by referring to ‘ pre-trial discovery of documents as known in Common Law countries ’ , and especially in omitting the earlier reference to discovery between the parties , covered some types of the form of discovery known in the United States , which is far wider in its scope than that known in other Common Law countries .
2 Nurse managers have a responsibility for the settings in which patients are cared for which is far greater than the same responsibility of nurses at large , simply because they are employed in positions which enable them to make appropriate representations .
3 If the customer has taken the trouble to complain ( which is far better than not complaining — the Profitboss would never know about lapses in service otherwise ) , the Profitboss takes the trouble to respond .
4 I 'm trying to explain to you that there was a different atmosphere about it , the whole situation , I know they were hard times , I know that some people had some really rough times but it did n't show very much , and when I come to think of all my parents ' friends I do n't remember anybody having a wife bashing episode or they all seemed to be very contented with their lot somehow except one , and that was a little bit dicey when I was a little kid , but the man died and the Observer the next week the er obituary notice was put in the paper and underneath they 'd got , with Christ which is far better and my father said and they she could n't have said anything better words
5 If you were to smooth out all the material there is in the universe into a uniform sort of sea of particles , you would find that the density was just about one atom in every cubic metre , which is far better than the best vacuum that you can ever make on earth by artificial means .
6 And whereas ordinary PSS is famous for being user-hostile , Dialplus has a menu-driven front end which is far easier to use .
7 Which is far easier than the one you were using .
8 His view that letting children run in and out of busy airports smartly avoiding the traffic is perfectly reasonable depends upon a conception of a child which is far narrower than even the sex divide .
9 I can diagnose tonsillitis , there 's an ENT surgeon who is far better than me at that ; I can diagnose appendicitis , hearts , whatever you can think of , there 's someone who is much better than me at it and these people are all now available to the population .
10 The range of natural environments contained within Yugoslavia itself is far greater than one might expect in an area only 5 per cent larger than the United Kingdom .
11 In my view , to have 32 seeds , even in the men 's singles where there is far greater depth of talent than among the women , can not possibly be justified .
12 In windy weather every effort should be made to avoid having to move the glider upwind ; it is far safer and easier to land well into the field and then to move the glider back down wind .
13 So , it is far safer for the child in your car if , even though the law does not require it , rear seat belts or restraints are specially installed into cars where they have not been automatically fitted from new .
14 It is far safer to tan slowly than to burn first .
15 It is far safer to regard the P/E ratio as an indicator of market sentiment about the future prospects of a company rather than a basis for a systematic forecasting technique of future earnings .
16 The world we can build of philosophy can include both music and poetry , and in addition religion and art and much else so it is far greater in extent then poetry or music alone .
17 It is far better to like and admire something that is wrong , or to like and admire for the wrong reason , provided we do so sincerely , than to follow slavishly the dictates or ideas of some other person .
18 Remember that it is far better to get down and then to run into obstruction than to stall on to it at flying speed .
19 It is far better to provide low-priced cover which you can add on . ’
20 It is far better , they have realized , to limit the tour .
21 Mrs Thatcher will have to be satisfied with the assurances she will receive from Mr Bush , who will tell her that , since defence cuts are politically inevitable , it is far better for modest and planned reductions to be proposed by his cabinet and the Pentagon than for swingeing cuts to be imposed by the US Congress , which is already chafing at the thought of the US budget deficit being deepened to pay for the defence of the wealthy Europeans .
22 Scrutiny of EC legislation is not perfect but it is far better than in all other Parliaments in Europe , except the Folketing in Denmark .
23 It is far better and essentially less embarrassing for such education to be given at school than within the family , even if it could be certain that parents would give it or that their children would listen .
24 Where there is a danger of colliding with or hitting something , rather than abandoning ship and letting the board glide unaided on to the target , it is far better to fall in , bringing the rig with you , which will stop it instantly .
25 It is far better to be too warm than too cold .
26 It is far better to have fewer rules which you can insist your children keep than to insist that everything is done in accordance with strict regulations .
27 No one can doubt that it is far better to aim to prevent job problems arising than to try to cure them by means of a law suit .
28 It is far better to never get unhealthy in the first place !
29 It is far better that you make your own tapes and choose your own images .
30 Experts may offer some guidance but from a plaintiff 's point of view it is far better to frame an action using a subsection of s.92 other than s.92(1) ( c ) or ( d ) if at all possible .
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