Example sentences of "[pron] it [is] necessary " in BNC.

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1 Uncovering hidden objections is crucial to successful selling because to convince someone it is necessary to know what he/she needs to be convinced of .
2 If there is any legislation which it is necessary to pass for special departmental or other reasons , and is generally accepted by the different parties , it may be undertaken .
3 The opportunities for successfully re-using a structure to which it is necessary to make major modifications in order to suit it to its new task are small , even with ironwork of exceptionally good quality .
4 And ‘ for co-operation to lead to socialism , civilised co-operation is needed , for which it is necessary to trade not in an Asiatic , but in a European way . ’
5 The very act of brainstorming often throws up the structure of the answer as well as the main points which it is necessary to cover .
6 Protagoras ' reply to this is to contend that political wisdom is not a matter of specialized knowledge , but something in which everyone has a share , and in which it is necessary that everyone has a share , " Otherwise the state could not exist " .
7 These again are not matters which it is necessary to consider on this appeal .
8 Given that she is now at this moment incapable of giving or refusing a consent to the treatment which it is necessary in her interests , perhaps to save her life and certainly to advance her cure , I do not find myself satisfied that the refusal is a continuing one , evincing a settled intention on her part to persist in it and accepting , as I do , the father 's evidence that she would rather have blood than die , I declare that it shall be lawful for the hospital , in the circumstances prevailing , to administer blood to her , that being in her best interests .
9 I would only add that in a situation in which it is necessary to consider operating the machinery of the Convention , some psychological harm to the child is inherent , whether the child is or is not returned .
10 The problem of defining the extent to which it is necessary to delve into these disciplines is like the problem discussed earlier of ascertaining the boundaries between social policy and other kinds of public policy .
11 The systematic alteration in decisions between each period and the succeeding one renders each opportunity offered to the market more competitive than that offered in the preceding period that is , it is offered with fuller awareness of the other opportunities being made available , against which it is necessary to compete .
12 … any land which is in their area and which is suitable for and is required in order to secure the carrying out of one or more of the following activities , namely , development , redevelopment and improvement [ and ] any land which is in their area and which is required for a purpose which it is necessary to achieve in the interests of the proper planning of an area in which the land is situated .
13 History in these days can be as much a consolation as it can be of an inspiration , and I also believe too that sometimes in life it 's very important to emancipate yourself from the shackles of the past in order to make the kind of decisions which it 's necessary to make in present conditions .
14 A combination to compel the plaintiff to pay a debt is apparently unlawful , but where the object is to punish him it is necessary to distinguish between mere vindictive vengeance , which is unlawful , and the purpose of deterring others from similarly offending , which apparently is not .
15 To do so , an intimate knowledge is needed , both of the prevailing media rates and the people with whom it is necessary to deal .
16 Along with Siemens Italia SpA president Giorgio Scanavacca , Italian legal authorities arrested Davide Giacalone , former advisor to Oscar Mammi , former minister of post and telecom , on bribery charges : Giacalone is charged with having accepted $5.3m from Giuseppe Parrella , former managing director of ASST , Azienda Telefonica dello Stato SpA , in the minister 's study ; Giacalone has already told the police that he passed the money on to representatives of the Republican party ; for his part , the former PTT minister declared his innocence : ‘ That I was involved in a history of billion-lire bribes is as unfounded as it is untrue — at whatever moment the magistrates tell me it is necessary to investigate my accounts , I will liberate myself immediately from parliamentary immunity , ’ he said .
17 To understand them it is necessary to recollect that the period immediately after the publication of Morgenthau 's book was one in which a new behaviourist wave of thinking about the social sciences was sweeping the US academic community .
18 It has a strange history and to understand it it is necessary to turn the clock back eight thousand years , to the moment when the first cats were being domesticated in the Middle East .
19 Therefore it comprises courses which will typically require a high level of school qualifications , and when forecasting demand for HE it is necessary to consider the social and demographic characteristics of those achieving such qualifications .
20 It seems to be one thing ( and a wrong thing by the Bill of Rights ) , to impeach or question proceedings in Parliament ; it seems to be quite another to ask a House to confirm whatever it is necessary to confirm in order to ascertain what the House has resolved .
21 The material is discussed and analysed in order to identify what it is necessary to know in order to solve the problem , and hence manage patient care .
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