Example sentences of "[pron] home [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 And sings himself home in a Crack .
2 Three of our brave friends were also dead , and we carried them home with a heavy heart .
3 W. P. With kids , I used to carry my gloves in my hand and without any fingers in , and I used to catch them with the gloves if they were cheeky , and if they got cheekier still , I used to take them home for a belt .
4 So basically all I would have to do is take them with me and I 'd bring them home on the same day .
5 On a bitterly cold November day , Richard collected Joan and the small , pale , vulnerable bundle and brought them home to the boat .
6 When the hunt — which is conducted by setting grass fires and spearing the pigs as they flee — separates a sow from her litter , the hunters put the piglets in a bog and take them home to the women , who proceed to raise them as though they were children .
7 Soon after Celtic 's European Cup success he was forced to send them home from a pre-season American tour when their behaviour failed to meet his standards .
8 Above and top : Polypterus ornatipinnis — even a large pair of these were not beyond Derek 's ingenuity when it came to bringing them home from the USA .
9 It was like toys : when you brought them home from the shop and got them out of the box they were never quite the same .
10 By and large , we are talking about commuter lines designed to bring people from the south-east to central London in the morning and to take them home in the evening .
11 Evening : invited me home to a buffet meal with a group of friends and colleagues , including , ( Linguistics CIEFL ) , ( Linguistics CIEFL ) , ( Correspondence Course , CIEFL ) , ( Materials Production , CIEFL ) .
12 He brought me home from the hospital . ’
13 ‘ Sometimes they 've managed to find one that is n't even scheduled but I 'm dreading getting stuck they 'll have to send me home in a taxi . ’
14 A member of the local parish community will collect your son/daughter from home , bring him/her to SPRED then bring him/her home at the end of the session .
15 ‘ Any suggestion that your wife expects you home for the evening meal at a reasonable hour ’ is met with ‘ howls of derision ’ from older colleagues .
16 ‘ If you come up one by one , without weapons , I 'll take you home to a fair trial in England .
17 I 'm not taking you home in a stroppy mood Aaron we left home in a a stroppy mood
18 I 'll send you home in an ambulance , and come and see you tomorrow .
19 On the air at five o'clock very soon Tim driving you home plus the early evening sequence till nine .
20 Well we 're already under pressure to give names , and we are reluctant to give pressure , cos n reluctant to give names because we have n't got them , at this stage , but we need , but at some stage we need to iden as we , as part of the process , this need , there 's a need at least to identify one home within the east of the county .
21 They manhandled her out of the vehicle and through the front doors , down the corridor and into the small , windowless and empty room that had become her home for the last nine hours .
22 Mrs Zamzam had left her home on the other side of those hills more than three decades earlier and she had never been back .
23 He offered to take her home on the back of his horse .
24 Lawrie , who is unemployed , planned to put her home on the market to pay back her former bosses and pay off her own debts , the court was told .
25 She shared her home with a woman friend and was intensely secretive about her privacy , leaving complicated embargoes in her will on the publication of her letters , many of which she destroyed .
26 In that case the defendant had made her home with a tenant of a private sector house for three years and continued to make her home with the tenant when he was granted a secure tenancy of a council house .
27 In that case the defendant had made her home with a tenant of a private sector house for three years and continued to make her home with the tenant when he was granted a secure tenancy of a council house .
28 When the revolt collapsed and Judith was released , Charles rode out with his uncle Drogo bishop of Metz to escort her home to a ceremonial reception at Aachen in February 831 .
29 He took her home to the cottage near the canteen .
30 This bizarre characteristic did not disappear with the end of the war , for when I visited her home during a sugar shortage in the 1970s , I saw the dining-room mantelpiece piled high with two-pound bags — enough , surely , to satisfy the most desperate sweet-tooth for months , or even years , to come .
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