Example sentences of "[pron] sometimes [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 I sometimes worried that he did n't have enough time to see his own music but it seems he has it by memory .
2 I sometimes felt that I was taking unfair advantage of the family 's need to talk through their problems with a sympathetic outsider .
3 I knew myself to be stupid , but I sometimes felt that I was n't alone , and that stupidity was a condition which age did not ease .
4 With those looks and that air about him I sometimes thought that he was a Prince really .
5 I sometimes thought that the social considerations of people like my mother militated more against religion than atheism or simple sin .
6 I sometimes thought that he would enjoy being mistaken for the one rather than the other , because he disliked the idea of poetry as a ‘ profession ’ : an attitude which some lesser figures found puzzling .
7 I sometimes find that this method does away with the need to find a new remedy for the acute picture — remember the patient should respond within hours in acute situations so you 'll be able to determine whether the new symptoms are responding or whether you do need a different medicine .
8 Interruptions are not always a curse ; I sometimes find that a lost association breaks the surface for air precisely when I 've stopped actively thinking about the writing .
9 I sometimes feel that a great many of our social problems at the moment , young people rampaging , are brought about by mothers going out to work …
10 I sometimes feel that north of Watford does not matter in debates in the House .
11 I sometimes forget that it is the day of the year when I was made a bishop .
12 Now the only problem with that is I sometimes look that these people I wonder are they really happy being aggressive all the time does that really make them feel happy ?
13 I sometimes believe that there is also a powerful case for referring on occasions to Hansard as an aid to construction , at any rate in case of a clear ministerial statement of intent .
14 I sometimes believe that motorcyclists are often overlooked so it 's good to see us being taken care of in this manner .
15 I sometimes think that only the professional politicians , the organisers and the hacks who cover these things year-in year-out have the vaguest idea what anything is about .
16 When I get out of my train at Victoria and look about me at the other two hundred — mostly strangers , not least so those whose names as early schoolfellows dawn on me when they disappeared , — I sometimes think that one or two of us ought to speak out instead of just voting and making a remark in the complaint book once or twice a year and writing to a newspaper less often .
17 I sometimes think that this , the year of my sixth birthday was the happiest of my life .
18 I sometimes think that I would like all the attachments that go with the machine , but at my age ( 78+ ) I do n't really think it 's worth it , I 'm making some very nice things as it is .
19 I sometimes think that the principal function of professional training in education is to inoculate teachers against books on education .
20 He said , ‘ Do you know , I sometimes think that the laity are the only people who do understand . ’
21 I sometimes think that you would be happier working somewhere else ! ’
22 We 're sticking to our original plan , and they 'll have to accept it , although I sometimes think that , if we knew we were about to die , I 'd rather post Oliver through the nearest letter-box and just let him take pot luck .
23 Do you know he said , with a rather pathetic , confiding tone , like a patient describing embarrassing symptoms to a doctor , ‘ I sometimes think that either I 'm mad , or everyone else is .
24 I sometimes think that if we were back in biblical days and John the Baptist was running around looking for a wilderness he would n't go to the desert he would come to Creggan !
25 I sometimes think that the Oxford and Cambridge Examination Board has taken leave of its senses , ’ said Mr Crumwallis , in his inconsequential tenor drone .
26 You know , ’ she confided , ‘ I sometimes think that one of the chief reasons why I 'm marrying Rob is because it will get me Luke as a half-brother-in-law . ’
27 I sometimes think that guilt is a permanent condition with me and , possibly , with all men in their secret hearts .
28 I sometimes think that the hon. Gentleman is so busy thinking up his contorted questions that he does not observe what is going on in the House at other times .
29 I sometimes think that some of my hon. Friends who would like to see the tax in some way equalised between one place and another are hankering after a tax which this tax is not .
30 I sometimes think that it would be almost impossible to satisfy them .
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