Example sentences of "[pron] seems to have [be] " in BNC.

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1 ( Peter Jenkins ( 1976 ) , who visited both Washoe and Lucy in 1973 , reports that Fouts was cautious about Lucy 's abilities at this time and Jenkins himself seems to have been more impressed with Washoe . )
2 Dr Clare does not address any of these problems directly , but tells us a lot about his childhood , which seems to have been quite nice , unless he is trying to hide something shameful .
3 And it was this concern to avoid amy sectarian connotations which seems to have been uppermost in the minds of the organisers .
4 It was the grandest building in Montevideo when it was built , and adopted a style which seems to have been particularly congenial to Latin American nationalism , Second Empire .
5 possible evidence for this view can be seen in the only surviving thirteenth-century picture of a Western water-clock , which seems to have been used about 1250 in Paris at the court of Louis IX .
6 ‘ Traa de loor ’ , meaning time enough , is a favourite saying on the stress-free island which seems to have been trapped in a time-warp .
7 A 17,000-foot volcano called Nevada del Ruiz , which seems to have been slumbering off and on for the past four hundred years , erupted and melted the snow and ice which covered most of its upper reaches , giving rise to an estimated seventy-five million cubic yards ’ mudslide .
8 At the beautiful ridge-top site of Phourni , above the Minoan town of Arkhanes , there is an extraordinary Minoan mortuary-complex which seems to have been in use continuously from 2500 to 1250 BC ( Plate 19 ) .
9 The first 16-bit generation was won hands-down by MS-DOS with Macintosh System in second place — and winning a moral victory by setting the agenda for what should have been the 32-bit generation but in effect became the second 16-bit generation , which seems to have been won by Microsoft Windows , even though for the majority , MS-DOS is all most people want or use .
10 One prominent scholar of Italian paintings believes that the National Gallery was ill served by the loan which seems to have been a rather persuasive pre-sale exhibition for the benefit of Lady Cook .
11 This is not a possibility which seems to have been considered seriously hitherto , perhaps because the 1377 precedent was such a disastrous one .
12 In 1168 the Lusignans were nothing like as rich or powerful as the Counts of Angoulême , who ruled what was in effect an independent principality in the heart of Aquitaine , and yet it was Lusignan which seems to have been the storm centre of the revolt .
13 This is that section 4(2) serves as a useful reminder of the consequences which may follow when an obscure common law power ( which seems to have been rarely used ) is restated in statutory form .
14 Traditionally Asiatics had been employed east of Suez and hired on " Asiatic Articles of Agreement " , a practice which seems to have been generally acceptable since it involved sailing chiefly in Indian and Far Eastern waters .
15 It is less widely known that there was a comparable ( although much smaller ) dyeing industry in Ireland based on Nucella lapillus which seems to have been known of as far away as Minehead in Somerset ( Cole , 1685 ) .
16 Chapter 2 I , which seems to have been composed as an afterthought to the main body of the Gospel with its climax in 20:31 , indicates that there was a tradition doing the rounds in Christian circles to the effect that John would not die : he would be there until the Second Coming of Christ .
17 He remained there for about two years before returning to England in July 1657 to take up a position as mathematics tutor to Joscelyne Percy , son of Algernon Percy , tenth Earl of Northumberland [ q.v. ] , at Petworth , an appointment which seems to have been due to the influence of the Puritan reformer Samuel Hartlib [ q.v . ] .
18 There was the Crown Colony system which seems to have been designed for the business of not getting things done .
19 At Tall Sukas between Tripolis and Laodikeia ( Latakia ) , the Danish excavator P. J. Riis found a Greek settlement with a temple which seems to have been built in the seventh century and rebuilt about 570 B.C. The Greeks remained at Tall Sukas at least until 500 B.C. to trade with Palestinians of any religious and national variety .
20 Only from roughly the middle of the tenth/sixteenth century-perhaps coincidentally with the building of two other medreses which were to form part of the altmisli class , namely that attached to the mosque built by Suleyman for his son , Sehzade Mehmed ( the Sehzade medrese , completed in 954/1547 ) , and that built by the same sultan for his father , Selim I , apparently around 955/1548 — can one discern in the biographical sources the existence of a class of medreses , comprising these and others , one rank higher than the Sahn and normally carrying a salary of 60 akce , teaching in one of which seems to have been a generally recognized prerequisite for the holding of the highest learned offices .
21 From the evidence of the biographical sources , this would appear to be a nearly complete list of the mevleviyet kadiliks of the time ; the only surprising omission is the kadilik of Mecca , which seems to have been a mevleviyet for some years before 963 .
22 The only area which seems to have been devoid of buildings almost throughout the Roman period lay near the main centre of occupation in Birch Abbey and Evesham Street .
23 We pass a council estate and a forlorn shop which seems to have been carved into the ground level of the estate .
24 In Lincolnshire and the East Riding of Yorkshire , a substantial number of villages disappeared from the records in the late fourteenth and early fifteenth centuries , as well as in the second half of the fifteenth century , which seems to have been the worst period of depopulation in the area most seriously affected in the Midlands , particularly in Northamptonshire , Oxfordshire , Warwickshire , Buckinghamshire , Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire ( 58 , pp.170–3 , 220–1 , 229 ) .
25 This is not a possibility which seems to have been considered seriously hitherto , perhaps because the 1377 precedent was such a disastrous one .
26 For the latter , however , he was able to draw on a set of annals which seems to have been written in Angers , to judge from the use of the Latin verb venire ( to come ) with reference to that city .
27 Because it has n't been updated since 1973 some words which seems to have been around a while -palimony , Watergate and glasnost for instance have only just made it .
28 We are in the middle of a recession which seems to have been wholly engineered by the Conservative Government through their raising of interest rates which are still far too high .
29 In 1910 the Executive decided that Law , who seems to have been suffering from nervous exhaustion , should be dismissed and sent Sir J. C. Compton Rickett to break the news to him .
30 The Rutland jurors again asserted that King John , who seems to have been cast by popular tradition as the villain of the piece , had afforested the greater part of the forest in that country , whereas it seems in fact to have been a creation of Henry I. In Exmoor , the Buckinghamshire part of Bernwood , Cumberland , Worcestershire and Wiltshire the perambulations of 1300 demanded more extensive disafforestments than ever before : more than half the forest area that remained in England was declared to be outside the ancient bounds .
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