Example sentences of "[pron] seems [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Nobody who has ever taken the trouble to visit General Gouraud 's observation post on a cold , dank winter 's day , could ever escape the hell-hole ambiance of such a deathly place which seems to reach out over the decades of time to shame and sicken the human race .
2 In Example 105 Schoenberg creates a beautifully delicate harmony , which seems to float along on a distant astral plane .
3 Even poetry , which seems to arise out of nowhere , requires its nest , its squatting place .
4 The subject of bar codes is one which seems to crop up in reader 's letters from time to time .
5 Unfortunately , many people seem to take it as a personal insult ( on behalf of their garden ) if one says that there are n't really any plants or flowers worth pressing , so to prevent any hurt feelings I usually try to pick a few items that are possible candidates for pressing , which seems to go down much better than completely refusing someone 's kind offer .
6 Let us begin with a road which seems to lead nowhere , and which may be dangerous to follow .
7 In a poem like the ‘ Express ’ I believe we are dealing with a very involved , indeed fanatical , view of the journey , movement and stately presence of a train which seems to overpower not just the author himself but also the very universe and natural world in which it exists .
8 ‘ God grant that some editor somewhere is thinking about educating his staff in the need to check stories before rushing into print — an ethic of journalism which seems to have all but disappeared these days , ’ said Bob .
9 But then comes a statement about Christ which seems to emanate not from a rational clever man trying to help us to understand things more clearly , but from a rhetorical trickster who is not thinking at all .
10 In the following example from the organ pedal melody of the Entrée in Messiaen 's Messe de la Pentecôte , only four pitches are used , yet the composer reshapes the rhythms and note-orders so skilfully that there is no feeling of repetitiousness or monotony : In Example 17 , from the slow movement of Bartók 's Fourth String Quartet , we have a wonderfully sweeping melody which seems to grow out of the first bar .
11 They also benefit from the higher degree of social solidarity which seems to accompany more pluralistic systems .
12 Now a Greek team , headed by Professor Cesar Alexopoulos , of Athens University , has developed a technique which seems to provide just that much warning — at least for earthquakes that have hit Greece repeatedly over the past two years .
13 Enzensberger 's whole position , which seems to cry out for such examination , leads only to an overstrained nihilism .
14 The view that has found favour amongst those involved with Earth Mysteries , and one which seems to spring out of the page when these legends are brought together , is that most folklore associated with ancient sites can best be interpreted in terms of the survival of the old pagan religion and , one of its wellsprings , the existence of some form of energy which the ancient people were sensitive to and which they used for healing and in their rituals .
15 If one takes ‘ amount ’ as referring to duration and extent ( number of people affected ) , perhaps together with probability and proximity , Bentham certainly does not think that all that matters is amount , since this would be to forget intensity , which seems to mean simply the extent to which it is actually liked moment by moment .
16 Our black-and-white picture does not really do justice to its chameleon-like metallic paintwork , which seems to appear as green , silver or blue according to the light .
17 Therefore , he must hold in his anger , which seems to eat away at his insides , leading ultimately to feelings of helplessness and self-reproach …
18 The first three chapters of The Form address themselves chiefly to the solitary religious , pointing the contrast between the reality of inward holiness and the outward appearances — " habett of halyness " ( 3.94.39 ) — a term which seems to cover not just the clothing but the outward practices of piety , fasting and abstinence .
19 The film capital is a huge sprawling city which seems to stretch indefinitely in all directions ; they even said that the outskirts of Los Angeles reached as far as San Francisco !
20 It does n't detach itself completely , though ; as it falls , it draws out behind it a thin , flexible thread of glass , which seems to stretch almost indefinitely .
21 We now have a stratigraphical set-up that has a second formation " y " which seems to pass laterally into " x " and to be its time equivalent .
22 There 's no string tree on the Classic S , since the string posts are staggered — not staggered individually , like Sperzels , but in a ‘ three high , three low ’ formation , which seems to work just as well .
23 In fact , there have been many discussions caused by Johnny — and his girlfriend who seems to do very little other than build up her tan on a beach and send him the odd letter in a bottle .
24 A student who is forced to live out may be lodging with the old lady who seems to feature regularly in local government finance debates .
25 Television commentators have given themselves dry throats telling viewers about the imp-like Mota who seems to float effortlessly to the front .
26 In fact , whatever else it may be , Lighthouses is a cornucopia of virtuoso orchestral effects , a continuously shifting , shimmering kaleidoscope of sonority by a composer who seems to know just about every effect in the book , plus many he 's discovered for himself , and who knows just how to use them .
27 He 's a composer who seems to attract rather precious commentary — talk of the fundamental expression of the human soul , of primitive silence , of other-worldly styles .
28 Another who seems to have greatly appreciated his visit to Scotland was the Spanish ambassador Don Pedro d'Ayala , who wrote an account of the country at the desire of Ferdinand and Isabella in 1498 .
29 She 's lonely and she plied me with tea and scones and the rest , and gave me information about her neighbours , whom she seems to like quite a bit .
30 For though here on earth she seems to live eternally , it is but the shadow of her beauty that men see — each as he desires it .
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