Example sentences of "[pron] seemed [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 It were a talking point but er it was n't er n nobody seemed unduly perturbed about it .
2 Nobody seemed particularly startled by her assessment of their situation .
3 How could he change his life , which seemed irretrievably set on a course of obscurity ?
4 There is a revealing Darwinian relationship between size and weight in regard to herbivores and carnivores ; one which seemed perfectly balanced to keep the ratio in harmony .
5 Much evidence was contributed by PC Hewett who seemed badly shaken .
6 There was a party afterwards during which we were able to talk to some of the officers who seemed faintly bored by the whole process .
7 Now I had a pair who were not from the same parents and who seemed fairly suited .
8 ‘ In the Half Moon , the day before yesterday , the man who seemed so fed up about our having this cottage was called ‘ My lord — Mr Smith ’ .
9 Around the Old Executive Office Building , where the NSC staff had their offices , North was remembered as a man who seemed always caught up in some dark drama : leaving for the airport , constantly being paged in meetings , ‘ looking like a ghost ’ in the corridor .
10 She seemed most impressed , and said that I should meet her boyfriend who was looking for a bass player , and so I joined his jazz-rock band back in 1973 and we did some touring in Britain .
11 She seemed both fascinated and repelled by our ‘ old fogeyness ’ and delivered her opinions , whether sought or unsought , with unvarnished bluntness .
12 She seemed slightly awed by the size of the building , by the large white-columned portico and the four stone steps that had to be climbed to reach it , by the cleaned and refaced brickwork and the elegant white shutters on the windows .
13 When Olivier arrived she seemed somehow rejuvenated and filming continued .
14 Cissie took no part in the conversation ; she seemed completely absorbed in ha book .
15 But , although she smiled briefly at Folly in a friendly enough way , she seemed too distracted to wait for an answer , and started to usher them inside .
16 That I did in fact think this way , and that her assumptions about my assumptions were in fact correct , is borne out by the fact that I interpreted her words quickly , and that she seemed perfectly satisfied with my interpretation .
17 And as she spoke , Mrs Denham , in the garden below , suddenly leaped to her feet , and started gathering up her things ; they could not catch what she was saying , but she seemed faintly agitated , and Martin too got to his feet , though not with any movement that could be described as a leap , and appeared to offer , though ineffectively , to help with his baby .
18 Blanche drove on and three hours later she was safe in Dornaway Castle , where she seemed so shaken that they put her straight to bed .
19 In fact , she seemed more bothered about the horse than about him . ’
20 She seemed almost prepared to take the good doctor 's part in this dispute , thought Robert .
21 It looked comfortable , but everything seemed well used and , to Morton 's eye , not harmonious .
22 There seemed little left in the match except the question of whether Wright would get the 36 runs he needed for 5000 in Tests , in what was rumoured to be his last appearance .
23 There were the papers produced by the political groups , but they seemed fatally restricted to the obsessions of other times , and to backbiting amongst themselves .
24 Having found technology they seemed somewhat confused .
25 Lisa was always his favourite and he seemed favourably impressed that Tony had stayed around .
26 It was a role to which he seemed well suited , for he displayed little originality of mind and almost no strong convictions — except in defence of the Church of England .
27 He seemed completely absorbed , his whole body thrilled with excitement .
28 He seemed sorely tempted to throttle her .
29 But sometimes he seemed unnaturally flushed and lively — and it was not with drink .
30 He seemed almost overcome by her arrival , as if she 'd breezed through his mind and driven out whatever it was he 'd been planning to say .
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