Example sentences of "[pron] cos it [is] " in BNC.

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1 Well I cos it 's only hundred pound in n it ?
2 It must be twisted or summat cos it 's never done it before when I 've been in with the you know , to go bingo .
3 But I mean they actually do work , er ten percent gross yield and erm if you asked me to explain how they get the ten percent , I 'd have to use some notes they gave to me cos it 's , cos it 's complicated , but they use derivatives , and they buy in er in the shares and options market , and erm the company I 'm thinking of actually own the shares , but you take options on them , and they take commission on the options , they also take dividends , er and by the time you 've read the , the , the spiel , it sounds a bit like you 've fitted all these petrol savers to your car and you 're driving to Nottingham , and the tank overflows , it 's that sort of
4 I 'm glad you 're coming with me cos it 's so much little stuff on
5 I keep my money hidden me cos it 's
6 And er Wendy 's going to get the forms but sh if she can get them cos it 's very hard .
7 We open them cos it 's Christmas
8 We always keep them cos it 's they can get you off
9 That 's quite often why I like , when I go down Norbet Street I do n't like parking in Norbet Street itself cos it 's only half an hour if you park down Royal Place it 's
10 Erm the next session is rather hard work for you cos it 's very much sort of listening and absorbing a hell of a lot of facts , but I trust you will bear with me .
11 I would n't touch that if I were you cos it 's very very hot .
12 We I mean you know with coal houses they they 're about this wide , about that high , of course you do n't put the coal that high do you cos it 's forty five degrees job .
13 Dad , dad , Auntie has to go somewhere I do n't know where , but she just told me to call you cos it 's quarter past fifteen minutes past six or is it seven ?
14 really funny surname it 's like or something cos it 's Dutch or something
15 This one say said you just have to learn that one cos it 's a bit awkward .
16 So I tried another one and they says , We ca n't give you one cos it 's a bad address .
17 But as they do , it 's gon na hit her cos it 's not year that it does n't help , see if she 's in a third year class , she was always as she is now , in the top of that , but even
18 Do n't tell him do n't tell him do n't tell him cos it 's more exciting
19 and erm I went to a youth club and I I was speaking to eight year olds and they 're asking about condoms cos they 've seen them in the street , so it 's obviously they 're wanting to find out about it cos it 's everywhere around them even , does n't matter what age .
20 But they 're fi , they 're going to find about it cos it 's everywhere .
21 So good what is probably going to start it cos it 's a question .
22 Never bothered repairing it cos it 's a waste of time .
23 It does n't look it cos it 's
24 I was just building up to it cos it 's
25 So I mean Alan 's very keen on it cos it 's all to do with investors in people and so on , so er I mean what we really need is somebody centrally like a proper training officer
26 I think you might n n need it cos it 's a bit chilly today .
27 That 's quite a e erm a high window really is n't it cos it 's
28 I 'm not going to do it cos it 's full of of jugs and then it tips back on itself on to the on to the flat side .
29 If it goes down a thirty hole , it 'll be sixty wo n't it cos it 's double score .
30 Steven thinks that just be I only just got in he said , I 'm having my tea and he said there 's no way I 'm gon na do nothing like that at this time of night when I 've been fourteen hours at work So then he stormed off back home again so he said well you 'll have to move it cos it 's obstructing the dual carriageway someone might come round that corner fast and hit it .
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