Example sentences of "[pron] hands over her " in BNC.

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1 As she lay there on her bed Maggie suddenly raised her arms , breaking the iconic cruciform of her pose , and ran her hands over her naked chest .
2 ‘ Shut up , will ya ! ’ she yelled , and put her hands over her ears .
3 She put her hands over her ears and walked along the beach , to sit up in the sand dunes , where Gazzer found her … .
4 He swung off the horse and stood in front of her , tired and dirty from travelling and all she heard was a sound like the crashing of waves on pebbles and she put her hands over her ears and swayed in pain at the roadside .
5 The girl had had her hands over her face and was rolling from side to side .
6 She clapped her hands over her ears waiting for the water that was almost upon them , aware of the damage it was going to cause .
7 Agnes actually put her hands over her ears as she looked at Jessie sitting close to her on the edge of the bed .
8 Joey stood in the door laughing his head off and Noreen peered over his shoulder , her hands over her mouth .
9 She put her hands over her face and burst into tears , scurrying towards the door .
10 Very out of practice at driving , she had several near-misses on the motorway and her nerves were n't helped by Perdita spending most of the journey with her hands over her eyes , as Daisy ground recalcitrant gears and proceeded in a succession of jerks down the High Streets of Oxfordshire villages .
11 She had turned her head aside and flung her hands over her face ; she did not make the outcry he had expected .
12 He looked at her for the first time since the beginning ; her head was still turned away , her hands over her face ; she had shown no further response to anything he had done .
13 When the carriage was out of sight , she sank down into a chair and put her hands over her face .
14 She sank into the chair , her hands over her eyes .
15 Suddenly Emily was weeping , she put her hands over her eyes fighting the feelings of pain and frustration .
16 Flora put her hands over her ears and began to jump about all over the kitchen .
17 Anna put her hands over her face .
18 She put her hands over her ears .
19 Carla would curl up on his lap and hold her hands over her ears desperately trying to block out their arguing .
20 Carrie screamed and put her hands over her eyes .
21 She had n't really believed it herself , not all of it anyway ; so when her mother started telling her that what Davy Treffry had said was more or less true , she wanted to put her hands over her ears and not listen ; she did n't want to know about the argument there had been between her father and her Uncle Harry ; she did n't want to hear about how they picked their wives by some silly fishing competition .
22 She heard the bedroom door open and put her hands over her eyes to shield the glare from the landing light .
23 Rilla put her hands over her face and began to cry .
24 ‘ Jeez , I could do with that cup of tea , ’ Mrs Bennet said , putting her hands over her ears to shut out the tumult above , and Anne decided to go upstairs to see if the gas was still on .
25 Caterina clapped her hands over her ears .
26 ‘ Oh my , ’ Cleo thought , putting her hands over her ears .
27 Suddenly she put her hands over her ears .
28 She cupped her hands over her eyes .
29 ‘ Anything might have happened , ’ she said , putting her hands over her eyes to shut out the horrors of the market , remembering with longing the cellophane-wrapped , refrigerated coolness of the shops at home .
30 She put her hands over her face .
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