Example sentences of "[pron] only [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 After a moment she said huskily , ‘ Elise was my only living relative .
2 This is where my only major gripe comes in .
3 The letter concludes , ‘ You are my only real Father Confessor . ’
4 The music of The Wizard of Oz is , of course , more familiar to most people , and it 's performed well here : Gillian Beven 's Dorothy , very much in the Judy Garland mould , is featured in every strong , providing sound foundation for each , and my only real grouch was that the children 's chorus was far less easy on the ear than that used in Oliver .
5 Dear Anne Collins , ten years younger than me , taught early Renaissance painting and was just about my only real friend there .
6 Not that I know all that many people anyway , I suppose ; Jamie is my only real friend , though through him I have met a few people of about my own age I regard as acquaintances .
7 He would be seeing , I thought , an unremarkable young woman , rather too solemn , with thought-lines developing too fast between level dark brows ; dark-brown hair and grey eyes ; tolerable nose and mouth , and — my only real claims to beauty — a good figure and a fine , fair skin .
8 Personally , my only real complaint is that a bright yellow book with WINDOWS FOR DUMMIES in big black letters on the front is not the ideal reading if you want to look suave and sophisticated .
9 My only slight reservation is whether it 's possible to have , t t to move an amendment to standing order .
10 Are you going to destroy my only successful student ? ’
11 I was sorry to hear that my uncle , my only surviving relation , was dead .
12 My wife killed before her time , my son born dead and my only surviving heir a selfish girl who just wants to have fun ! ’
13 my comment from August — Mr Clearvoyance strikes again : - ) as seen in the ‘ pred-league ’ — NOT ! ( my only correct result last week was in fact Leeds vs Wombles 4–0 . )
14 My only other question , I think , was about the ‘ silent years ’ , between Dolores ( 1911 ) and Pastors and Masters ( 1925 ) .
15 My only other memory of that period was Schultz 's , the sausage-maker — a Saturday night treat for us , especially when he gave us a toothless grin and slipped an extra sausage in free .
16 And that 's my only other niggle , really .
17 ‘ Have been reading ’ , I realized even as I struggled to find somewhere to stand the strawboard in the darkness , makes a somewhat smaller claim than ‘ have read ’ , and I scarcely expect that my ‘ books ’ , to anyone outside the very restricted world of philosophical studies , are going to include the two on Spinoza ; all of which suggests a second-hand and partial acquaintance with my only other work , Natural Man .
18 My only culinary memories of Huntingdon are of seeing a pea-canning factory ( now demolished ) as I passed by on the train .
19 Of course , I gave them the warmest spot in the garden , against my only south-facing wall .
20 " My life was formed only by means of the public library which provided me with my only uncensored access to books .
21 Those are my only remaining memories of the first five years .
22 My only solid criticism of the book is that the programs are typeset , rather than — as in Sinclair 's book — being dumped directly from the computer to the ZX printer .
23 There were difficulties here and there , but they were easily solved : " The Stone grids in the Garden beneath the windows of the Head Master 's Dwelling House allowing the escape of an Effluvium from the Main Sewer were ordered to be rectified " in June 1862 ; and a year later the Trustees heard from the Headmaster : " that in order to provide for the comfort of the Trustees at their meetings , I am obliged to leave my Study , my only sitting room , without a chair " .
24 Interesting to me , that is , because my only previous contact with the world of spirits had been an eerie couple of evenings spent with two schoolgirl friends , when we were all sixteen , ‘ table tapping ’ .
25 In Vienna , of course … my only conclusive recourse was to leave the city , which could not be arranged as quickly as I would have liked since I had army business there which demanded my attendance .
26 My only unfair advantage was a basic understanding of my own GR-50 .
27 There are exceptional circumstances , such as my total castration or my taking vows as a monk , where my only residual fitness is that which accrues to me through my assistances to relatives .
28 I have already described the Croydon Corporation case , which was the result of an epidemic of typhoid , and I have mentioned my long association with the Royal College of Psychiatrists , and the fact that my only medical qualification is as an honorary fellow of that college .
29 My only minor niggle was that vernier throttle .
30 We 're all horrified by one another , we humans , and there 's an end to it , but I shall be a good boy and sit quietly stroking Hosanna who is , when all 's said and done , my only true friend . ’
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