Example sentences of "[pron] told [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ E did n't 'alf spit when I told 'im no luck .
2 You ask me so I told ya no point in arguing , you wo n't make a very good politician , shut up , sod off
3 I told her no messages had been sent and suggested that if Uncle was a businessman — I thought it better not to mention that we already knew he was a multi-millionaire businessman — he might naturally tend to be secretive and that he might also be reluctant to broadcast the fact that he had lost his yacht through what might have been his own fault .
4 In turn I told her a little about my own background , as though we were out on a first date .
5 I told her a cut-down ( but not a Bowdlerized ) version of the story , omitting Toby .
6 Once , when I told her a lie about what I was doing , in order to evade hostile questioning , she said , severely , ‘ You 're growing too like your father . ’
7 I told her the story .
8 I told her the story .
9 The conversation was wide-ranging , but gradually I told her the full story of what had happened to me over the previous year or so .
10 But Miss Blagden , whom I met by chance yesterday , is going to Rome and when I told her the absurdity of your request she volunteered to carry your ridiculous weapon saying she had always had a fancy to be a gun-runner and that it would be a tale to tell her friends and astonish them .
11 I told her the number straight off .
12 I told her the old lady was rich and that she had done the cottage up beautifully .
13 I told her the story .
14 That 's when I told her the rest .
15 I told her the answer was the Sun .
16 And so I told her the whole story of my lonely childhood with the Reed family , and of my terrible experience in the red room .
17 I told her the flat was in too disgusting a state for her to come and visit .
18 That 's life , on Vadinamia , as I said to Mala when I told her the news .
19 I told her the story about the wine , that 's all .
20 I told her the brutal truth — how I 'd tried to buy a love-nest for us and got involved with the wrong property men .
21 And I said I said so I told her the registration and she gave me the room number but she said .
22 They were very pleased when I told them the outcome of my night on the tiles and Otley sat next to me on the sofa with his arm round my shoulders .
23 ‘ When my friends asked me why I left the ministry , I told them the focus was too narrow .
24 Later , when Frankie and Liza , my brother and sister , came in from playing I told them the sad news , but they did n't seem very upset .
25 I told them the truth — he visits me , but he does n't live here .
26 I told them the arguments put forward by Visual Effects , only to be told in return manufacturing a conical base would have been much easier as it could all have been done from one two-part mould in half the time . ’
27 That 's why I sa that 's why I told them the weekend I thought at least I 'll have something sha n't I ?
28 I told him a leash was all I had .
29 Slowly , disconnectedly , prompted by him , I told him a bit about Alison ; remembering his frankness the night before , produced some of my own .
30 I told him a few home truths , but it was a waste of breath , there was nothing I could do . ’
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