Example sentences of "[pron] saw in [num] " in BNC.

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1 Anyway I I bought a little book that I saw in one of the shops and it was er The Industrial Lawyer .
2 I 'm just you 're just making me think actually because I saw in one of the papers this morning erm a headline , if I can find it , it said something to the effect that — yes here it is , in the Independent , it says ‘ TV soaps are first to survive rescheduling ’ and it goes on to tell us that the British television schedules as we all know were the first casualties of war in the Gulf except for the nation 's daily diet of Australian soap .
3 This is not an unproblematic statement ( as we saw in 1.4 ) , but is sufficiently true of a wide enough range of cases not to be cast aside lightly .
4 It will be amazing if this government runs the full course and as we saw in nineteen nineties the Tories just love leadership elections putting the knife in .
5 The competitive pressures we saw in 1992 as a result of the continuing over capacity in our industry will remain .
6 In the event of misplacement , as we saw in one patient , immediate removal is possible .
7 And we saw in 1.2 and again in 5.4 that the strongest sceptical arguments attack understanding as well as knowledge .
8 We saw in 4.3 that there are foundationalist theories other than the classical variety .
9 Success brings its own problems and there is no doubt in my mind whatever that the Hunt we saw in 1977 was no longer the Hunt of 1976 .
10 For the Holy Spirit understands not only the mind of the Lord , as we saw in I Corinthians 2 , but the mind of struggling Christians .
11 When confronted with the large body of unknown work they saw in 1923 ( the brochure stated that ninety pieces on display had never been shown before ) , critics were obviously perplexed , and they sought its meaning , especially the meaning of O'Keeffe 's abstractions , in the fact that the artist was a moan .
12 We see there how Eliot indulged his sense of irony by resuscitating the voices of older poets through his anthropological interests and satirizing ‘ a time , barren of myths ’ and a world of those ‘ illimitable suburbs ’ which he saw in 1921 as filled with the public school 's ‘ petrified product ’ .
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