Example sentences of "[pron] 've moved [prep] " in BNC.

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1 K. R. I 've moved on people sleeping rough — perhaps take him a hundred yards from the shop wherever he was — ‘ On your way .
2 I know , but , mum that , that was , that was five years ago , I mean I 've moved on a great deal since then
3 Well I do n't know , ha ha have n't you got a position where er as , as we began to , to see last week , there is this radicalization coming in but the , the er i i it 's the peasants who 've moved to the left of the Party , you 're right , that they are inappropriate to this very moderate policy of rent reduction erm a tax on collaborators land is being redistributed and is n't saying right we , i i in the same way that , that Mao was identifying the problem in in , either you , you follow the masses or you , you lead them but , but thereof we are behind them and a sense the Party has got ta recognize that , it 's got ta catch up with the masses and is n't that first paragraph saying look this is the way you should be going , that there are peasants who are redistributing the land and land reform is in effect taking place and that 's what we want to see ?
4 The travellers who 've moved on voluntarily have been creating problems elsewhere .
5 But musically at least , you 've moved from Stooges-meets-Beefheart conflagration to something more classically structured : the songs are like the charred and gutted husks of magnificent pop architecture .
6 Daily Telegraph We 've moved beyond grazing into gulping Al Rosenfeld , publisher of Frozen Food Age A Czech store manager has been jailed for 12 years for stealing-and eating-nearly £60,000 worth of food .
7 we 've moved to a bigger home , fucking scaled it up
8 Something tied up , something in there as a heading so every member of staff knows that at such and such a time they are working on a heading of environmental awareness I would like us to have a precis of what that 's gon na involve but , I sha n't worry if we have n't got that we 've moved on a step
9 But this is about four or five years ago so I mean it 's n we 've moved on a lot since then .
10 We 've moved on a long way from the original version . ’
11 We 've moved through the hole in time .
12 But in our time , it 's very quiet now so we 've we 've moved into a different routine again , where I have two two sergeants out at one time , changing over er frequently so they do n't get bored .
13 It 's probably the , the simplest illustration is to say that over the last three or four years , we 've moved from being well below S S A to nine point four percent above S S A , now nothing 's changed other than that we 've got a slight decrease in the number of calls over this last two years .
14 Here , they 've moved into a ventilation brick .
15 The memories I like to remember is er when things have worked out for children and they 've gone back home and if they have n't gone back home , then they 've moved on er to nice adoptive families .
16 that 's where they 've moved to is near Bolton .
17 There are no outstanding flashes in organic chemistry , things move step by step , and the way they 've moved over the past thirty or forty years is quite apparent if anybody looks round their home .
18 Should think they 've moved by now .
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