Example sentences of "[pron] just felt that " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Look , I just felt that it was time for a change , that 's all .
2 I just felt that these people did n't share my values . ’
3 ‘ At it 's worst I just felt that I could n't go anywhere that I wanted to .
4 ‘ I do n't really look like Manson at all , ’ he admits , ‘ but I just felt that I could do it best !
5 I just , I just felt that it was the cream the other night , and then I just felt oh , you
6 When I just felt that I was on the absolute fringe of going berserk .
7 because , but I just felt that er those particular aspects were important for future year , because of the er discussions that took place .
8 I just felt that though we were 14 when we last met there must have been something of the child left in our features to make us recognize each other after half a century . ’
9 Erm yeah I th I mean I , I 've got more or less all the points that have been raised but I , I just felt that it went it er it was almost as though you 'd made your mind up before you went in that you were gon na tell him what compressed funds was
10 I lived in Switzerland for fifteen years and I knew many many people who after having had their children would have breasts implants and , they just felt that they 'd got back the figure that they had before the children and particularly one of my friends she had twins and her stomach was so stretched and after her pregnancy she 'd got all this sort of sagging skin and what she regretted was that she waited fifteen years before she decided to go and have something done and she just felt so much better about it .
11 Well , maybe he did n't actually shout , it just felt that way as my brain recoiled on its springs .
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