Example sentences of "[pron] did [not/n't] use " in BNC.

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1 I did not use a tape recorder for these interviews , though one might have been helpful in some ways , though perhaps inhibiting to my informants in other ways .
2 I did not use fenders , Breakspear , because I despise precautions .
3 Taking the binoculars from round my neck , I proffered them , saying , ‘ You observe how amateur my lurking was — not only did I not conceal myself , but I did not use my chief lurking weapon .
4 I did not use it , nor she hers .
5 A maths coprocessor is highly desirable , especially for large data sets , though I did n't use one and the 16MHz 80286 review machine was not unduly slow with files of modest size .
6 I did n't use to curse or swear at them .
7 I did n't use any tricks or special manure whatsoever , ’ he says .
8 ‘ No , actually I did n't use it for very long .
9 Since I did n't use this eye I again ignored it .
10 I did n't use her weaknesses enough but she used mind properly .
11 And if I did n't use words like ‘ blast ’ and ‘ blow me ’ and so on , he would n't be a real character .
12 I did n't use any contraception .
13 I I was very keen er when I had my daughter erm I was quite happy about it and I I I used them , then after three years I did n't use them .
14 I did n't use my notes at all . ’
15 I did n't use it much , though .
16 I did n't use the toilets between lessons because I hate all that smoke so , by the time Biffo had finished with us , I dashed straight down to them .
17 And then I used to bank I used to post put that in the post office in a separate account , I did n't use it you see .
18 I did n't use you like that .
19 I did n't use a little animal every two seconds ; they were expended at a few a week .
20 Well I did n't use that phrase but
21 And I did n't use ribbon cos it would have worked expensive for her I just used that erm
22 I did n't use it with
23 Although it is worth stressing that Saussure 's work is open to a variety of interpretations , and although he himself did not use the concepts structure and structural , it was his idea of the arbitrary and differential nature of the linguistic sign , and therefore of the essential disjunction between language and reality , that became the foundation of the structuralist movement .
24 Ehrich and Koehler ( 1975 ) also produced a script recognition system which did not use real time information in its coding scheme , although they did use some sequence information .
25 Even if we had a method which did not use extrapolation it would not be much use because no one would believe the result .
26 Blood Out ( which did n't use them ) ran into trouble .
27 An interesting feature of the results was that the pupils who did not use scissors had higher scores on the non-practical part of the test , but represented fewer pieces of " furniture " on the diagram of the room than those who used scissors .
28 Because of the roughness of the ground in Taimyr the Tavgi were the only Siberian people who did not use skis .
29 Interestingly , the teachers who did not use The Machine Gunners said things like , ‘ I like other books more ’ ( for example Conrad 's War and The Ghost of Thomas Kempe ) and went on to describe very positive pupil responses to these alternative titles .
30 Of the 23 control subjects who did not use NSAIDs ulceration was present in five ( three gastric , two duodenal ) , five had erosions , and 14 had an endoscopically normal mucosa .
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