Example sentences of "[pron] do indeed [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 I do indeed think that we can now know almost nothing concerning the life and personality of Jesus , since the early Christian sources show no interest in either , are moreover fragmentary and often legendary .
2 The egoist might raise a further objection : granted that I do indeed suffer from a sufferer 's viewpoint , I generally feel very much less from other viewpoints than from my own ; then will not the inclinations I choose in obedience to ‘ Be aware ’ tend to be self-centred , even if they do not quite fulfil the requirements of a pure philosophical egoism ?
3 I do indeed pay tribute to over one thousand two hundred top business and community leaders who serve on our eighty two training and enterprise councils and who indeed is quite right in er earmarking , do a tremendous amount of work on equal opportunities .
4 I do indeed keep a list of questions , but I advise hon. Members representing Scottish constituencies that the next time we have Scottish Questions those hon. Members who have been called today will not stand quite such a good chance of being included next time .
5 I wish we were having a picnic , and that it was hot , and I do indeed wish that we were all together ; though even if I were to hold the whole world against my chest , it would probably save us from very little .
6 The sex exclusive markers which do indeed occur in some languages are superficially striking , but on closer inspection they can be seen to result from a few regular and predictable rules acting on the same basic structures .
7 Not counting the Treasurer , then , this gives attendances of 41 , six and two , which do indeed sum to 49 .
8 He rightly emphasises the overseas Chinese , who do indeed get everywhere , be it Jakarta or Lima , and the Confucianism which underlies so much of East Asia 's economic success .
9 There are those who do indeed believe ( as we have seen , with some justification in terms of legal precedent ) that matters have already gone too far in the direction of a United States of Europe for the process to be stopped from reaching its federal point of destination .
10 But then you come to the problem , erm , because for ninety four five , erm , the formula suggests that we would need less staff , that might seem a bit odd but the , the reason is that if you do indeed bring your target times down , then the amount of work which your passing over into the next year is er considerably less , erm than the amount of work which you passed over into this year ,
11 ‘ Yes , you do indeed play a little , just like any schoolgirl , better than some perhaps .
12 One is bound up with the fact that we do indeed suppose that there is some set of types of circumstances , each type related in the same way to startings-to-work of the wipers .
13 In the fluidity of contemporary values we do indeed sink into a relativism for which your opinion is worth as much or little as mine whenever we lose faith in awareness itself , and surrender to irrationalism .
14 If we do indeed reap what we sow , then it seems sensible to take a careful look at our packet of seeds — particularly in those areas of our lives which go either particularly well or badly .
15 No sense of a sharing in the social meaning of what was going on emerges , and we daresay the unfortunate teacher , with whose plight we do indeed sympathize , did not have the faintest idea what was afoot .
16 We do indeed manipulate and control our surroundings , in so far as we can , by way of things as causal rather than as effects .
17 Given that we do indeed believe that the flipping and the starting each occurred , it is also true , and would certainly be more natural to say , that since the wipers started to work , the switch was flipped .
18 But I think it is reasonable as well as constructive to allude to the possibility that the human spirit is indeed evolving , that we are gradually ‘ widening the circle of compassion ’ , moving away from the narrower , more self-interested , more aggressive forms of social organisation to embrace the concept of one world in which we do indeed see ourselves as members of one human family .
19 When we look out in space ( and hence back in time ) to a redshift of 2 to 3 , we do indeed see a lot of quasars .
20 It is certainly possible that we do indeed have an innate sense of ‘ place ’ .
21 We do indeed have it that a causal circumstance necessitated its effect .
22 We do indeed have the right to ask who really are our friends ?
23 We do indeed have one of the best health services in the European Community , and my hon. Friend is right to emphasise its strengths .
24 The way to secure future prosperity is by embracing change not resisting it and as my honourable friend er indicates , by using our skills to best effect and competitively in a global market place were we to embrace the policies of members opposite in the European community we would shut the job , the door to the jobs which will come from that inward investment because we have opted out of the social chapter we do indeed have the opportunity that comes from being , if I may qui may quote er President Delors a pa a paradise for inward investment .
25 The second was a conviction that many of us had , that we do indeed have a great deal to offer , by way of expertise and consulting , from the campus .
26 Here we do indeed find an example of a ‘ liquidation ’ of history which , it will be recalled , is exactly the accusation that Terry Eagleton makes against poststructuralism ; but the actual example in Bachelard demonstrates how much more complex the issue turns out to be .
27 If we look for clusters in this space of species , differentiated by coarse discrete characteristics , then we do indeed find quite striking clusters .
28 In such cases , we do indeed seem to take decisions and choices as having required conditions .
29 If we are seeking an explanation of the grounds of dependent conditionals , and one of these is given as a lawlike statement , we do indeed require an explanation of the nature of such a statement .
30 They do indeed wear ‘ peculiar shoes ’ , my dear Wilson !
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